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core deposit Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

nation's core deposit base (1).

The Full Feed from HuffingtonPost.com Thu 2010-01-07 19:46 EST

D+7: Shock and Awe

..the burning question, of course, is "will moving your money have an effect?" And by effect, I don't mean making a momentary political statement. I mean making a structural difference to the country's financial system. The answer is yes, and here's how..if the public shifts a small fraction of the nation's core deposit base into these institutions it magnifies the stabilizing effect on this portion of the financial system. That's provided the receiving bank is already in good shape, of course, and isn't saddled with other problems. That's why the listing tool we created for the MoveYourMoney campaign only shows the best of breed, to our best ability to identify who they might be. I

7; awed; com; D; full Feeds; HuffingtonPost; shocks.