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Crisis Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

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Thu 2008-07-10 00:00 EDT

AlterNet: 'Foreclosure Phil' Gramm: How John McCain's Closest Economic Advisor Helped Engineer the Morgage Crisis

AlterNet: 'Forclosure Phil' Gramm: How John McCain's Closest Economic Advisor Helped Engineer the Mortgage Crisis; Nomi Prins and David Corn

AlterNet; Foreclosure Phil; Gramm; John McCain's Closest Economic Advisor Helped Engineer; Morgage Crisis.

Sun 2008-07-06 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: The Worst of the Credit Crisis Is Yet to Come - Ted Forstmann

Jesse's Café Américain: The Worst of the Credit Crisis Is Yet to Come - Ted Forstmann

comes; credit crisis; Jesse's Café Américain; Ted Forstmann; worst.

Fri 2008-07-04 00:00 EDT

Secret report: biofuel caused food crisis | Environment | The Guardian

Secret report: biofuel caused food crisis, by Aditya Chakrabortty | Environment | The Guardian; Biofuels have forced global food prices up by 75% says confidential World Bank report; report suppressed to avoid embarassing President George Bush; over a third of US corn now used to produce ethanol and about half of vegetable oils in the EU going towards the production of biodiesel.

biofuel caused food crisis; environment; Guardian; Secret Report.

Tue 2008-06-24 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: SEC Takes Chapter From Pontius Pilate on Rating Agency Regulation

SEC avoids question of rating agencies' culpability in the credit crisis

naked capitalism; Pontius Pilate; Ratings Agency Regulations; SEC Takes Chapter.

Wed 2008-06-11 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: What is Really Spooking Wall Street - Policy Change is in the Wind

Jesse's Café Américain: What is Really Spooking Wall Street - Policy Change is in the Wind; Joseph Stiglitz on rethinking growth; Jesse: we have ringside seats to history...times of change and crisis are times of volatility, fresh trends, and opportunity

Jesse's Café Américain; policy changes; Really Spooking Wall Street; wind.

Sun 2008-06-01 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: S&L Crisis vs. Current Crisis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: S&L Crisis vs. Current Crisis; "upcoming bank crisis is going to be far greater than what happened in the 1980's even though the number of failures will be far smaller"

current crisis; L Crisis; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; s.

Wed 2008-05-21 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: The Worst Is Still Ahead Says Meredith Whitney

Jesse's Café Américain: The Worst Is Still Ahead Says Meredith Whitney; "Credit Crisis Will Extend Into 2009"

Ahead Says Meredith Whitney; Jesse's Café Américain; worst.

Tue 2008-05-20 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Trichet Says Worst of Credit Crisis May Lie Ahead

credit crisis; lies ahead; naked capitalism; Trichet Says Worst.

Wed 2008-05-14 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Guest Post: "Is the Securitization Crisis Driven by Nonlinear Systemic Processes?"

Richard Kline

Guest Post; naked capitalism; Nonlinear Systemic Processes; Securitization Crisis Driven.

Tue 2008-05-13 00:00 EDT

Blame the models | vox - Research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists

Blame the models, by Jon Danielsson; model-driven mispricing enabled credit crisis

blames; commentary; leading economists; model; research-based policy analysis; Vox.

Wed 2008-04-16 00:00 EDT

Foreign Policy: 8 Steps to a Trillion-Dollar Meltdown

by Charles R. Morris; how the U.S. financial crisis happened

8 Steps; foreign policy; Trillion Dollar Meltdown.

Wed 2008-04-02 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Desperate Measures to Tackle Credit Crisis Discussed

Desperate Measures; naked capitalism; Tackle Credit Crisis Discussed.

Tue 2008-04-01 00:00 EDT

SPIEGEL ONLINE - Druckversion - US Financial Crisis: Why the Paulson Plan is DOA - International

SPIEGEL ONLINE - Druckversion - US Financial Crisis: Why the Paulson Plan is DOA, by BusinessWeek chief economist Mike Mandel - International; "Paulson's plan only works in a fictional world where investment banks properly regulate themselves"

DOA; Druckversion; Financial Crisis; International; Paulson plans; Spiegel Online.

Thu 2008-03-27 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: The Failure of Finance

"Cassandra has given an argument for my gut instinct that if the credit crisis cannot be arrested...the path we are on is deflationary rather than inflationary"

failure; finance; naked capitalism.

Fri 2008-03-21 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: At the Crossroads of the Packaged Debt Financial Crisis

Jesse's Café Américain: At the Crossroads of the Packaged Debt Financial Crisis

Crossroads; Jesse's Café Américain; Packaged Debt Financial Crisis.

Thu 2008-03-20 00:00 EDT

Paul Craig Roberts: How to End the Subprime Crisis

suspend mark-to-market! Counterpunch

ending; Paul Craig Roberts; subprime crisis.

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