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FDIC | s

FDIC's Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

FDIC's coffers (1); FDIC's Depleted Deposit Insurance Fund (1); FDIC's Insurance Commitments 34 (1); FDIC's role (1).

zero hedge Fri 2009-10-23 19:30 EDT

A Stern Opponent Of Funding The FDIC's Depleted Deposit Insurance Fund, And Monetization Is... Alan Greenspan?

What a difference twenty years makes. The man whose actions basically lead to the eradication of the American middle class in its aspirational pursuit of buying massive SUVs, Prada bags, and 3rd investment properties, compliments of cheap credit, in order to appear ever so much like the upper class yet ultimately drowning itself in debt, Alan Greenspan, is probably the most critical reason why America's debt service will be nearly 90% of GDP within several decades. The adoption of his actions by the current deranged operator of the reserve currency printing press, is merely a continuation of a multiple decade long process of keeping inflation contained at the expense of devaluing the US currency, as the global liquidity pyramid recently hit one quadrillion, and continues to grow exponentially, yet...

Alan Greenspan; FDIC's Depleted Deposit Insurance Fund; funds; monetize; Stern Opponent; Zero Hedge.

Credit Writedowns Mon 2009-09-21 15:32 EDT

The FDIC acknowledges it is to run out of money

Sheila Bair has run out of options to seize banks because the FDIC's coffers are running dry. Now she either needs to tap taxpayer money via a loan from the Treasury or she has to raise funds through a special assessment on banks, who are already capital-constrained.

credit writedowns; FDIC acknowledges; money; running.

Credit Writedowns Wed 2009-08-26 16:38 EDT

The FDIC and the socialization of banking losses

With the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) about to release its latest figures for banks it regulates and its own financial condition, now is a good time to review its role in this crisis. This post is about the FDIC's role in the credit crisis, how it seizes banks and why I believe this matters. [...] ``the way assets are seized and sold represents a redistribution of income from taxpayers to the acquiring entities''

banks losses; credit writedowns; FDIC; social.

Tue 2009-06-16 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Guest Post: FDIC's Insurance Commitments 34% Higher Than Reported

FDIC's Insurance Commitments 34; Guest Post; higher; naked capitalism; report.