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Fed president Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Kansas City Fed President Thomas Hoenig (2); New York Fed President (2); New York Fed President Timothy Geithner's (1); Philly Fed president Charles Plosser (1).

New Deal 2.0 Mon 2009-11-30 13:44 EST

Geithner's Disgrace

he issue has been festering for months: Why were AIG's counterparties -- including Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and UBS -- paid 100 cents on the dollar when the feds rescued the insurance giant, helping raising the cost of the bailout to nearly $200 billion? A new report issued by Special Inspector General Neil Barofsky now reveals that government officials, notably then -- New York Fed President and current Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, grievously damaged the nation and capitulated to the very banks they should have been supervising.

0; Geithner's Disgrace; new dealing 2.

The Big Picture Wed 2009-08-26 16:02 EDT

Hoenig: Let Big U.S. Banks Fail

Kansas City Fed President Thomas Hoenig, the host for the annual Jackson Hole Fed confab, is utterly against bailouts, and thinks ``Too Big To Fail'' is a losing strategy. As I noted previously, ``Real capitalists nationalize; faux capitalists look for the free lunch.'' Bernanke has urged Congress to back part of Hoenig's proposal for dealing with faltering [...]

Big Picture; Hoenig; Let Big U.S. Banks Fail.

Wed 2009-04-01 00:00 EDT

Calculated Risk: Fed's Hoenig: 'Too Big has Failed'

Kansas City Fed President Thomas Hoenig: ``we have not defined a consistent plan and not addressed the basic shortcomings and, in some cases, the insolvent position of these institutions''

big; Calculated Risk; fail; Fed's Hoenig.

Mon 2009-01-19 00:00 EST

The Mess That Greenspan Made: A cat fight at the Fed

Philly Fed President Charles Plosser has broken ranks with Fed Chief Ben Bernanke

cat fight; Fed; Greenspan Made; Mess.

Sun 2008-11-23 00:00 EST

naked capitalism: New York Fed President Timothy Geithner's Not-So-Reassuring Speech


naked capitalism; New York Fed President Timothy Geithner's; Reassuring Speech.