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Ghost Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

false ghost (1); Ghost Inventory (1); ghost voting (2); ghost written (1).

zero hedge Thu 2010-05-13 17:50 EDT

Willem Buiter Issues His Most Dire Prediction Yet: Sees "Unprecedented" Fiscal Crises, US Debt Inflation And Fed Monetization

...we were very surprised when we read Willem Buiter's latest Global Economic View (recall that he works for Citi now). In it the strategist for the firm that defines the core of the establishment could not be more bearish. In fact, at first we thought that David Rosenberg had ghost written this...Buiter presents a game theory type analysis, which concludes that the US and other sovereigns will soon be forced into fiscal austerity. Among his critical observations (we recommend a careful read of the entire 68 pages), are that the US is highly polarized, and that the Fed, which is "the least independent of leading central banks" would be willing to implement "inflationary monetisation of public debt and deficits than other central banks." The next step of course would be hyperinflation. And Buiter sees America as the one country the most likely to follow this route. Most troublingly, Buiter predicts that a massive crisis is the only thing that can break the political gridlock in the US in order to fix the broken US fiscal situation...

debt inflated; dire predictions; Fed Monetizing; fiscal crises; see; unprecedented; Willem Buiter Issues; Zero Hedge.

Fri 2009-02-13 00:00 EST

Calculated Risk: Housing and "Ghost Inventory"

shadow housing inventory

Calculated Risk; Ghost Inventory; Housing.

Tue 2008-03-25 00:00 EDT

How ghosts vote on Bear Stearns - International Herald Tribune

How ghosts vote on Bear Stearns, by Steven M. Davidioff - International Herald Tribune; "A class of stakeholders in Bear Stearns with economic interests that differ from the shareholders' can use derivatives to ensure that their needs are met. In the process, shareholders are left holding the nearly empty bag, and regulators are left shaking their heads."

Bear Stearns; ghost voting; International Herald Tribune.

Sun 2008-03-23 00:00 EDT

The Big Picture | Investing in a Post-Fact Society (a/k/a, Were the Good Times a Mirage?)

"Many of the stated economic gains have been a false ghost. Whether it was overstated job creation (NFP), understated inflation (CPI) or "inflated" growth (GDP), a shocking amount of the debate about the economic expansion has been primarily spin."

Big Picture; good times; investment; K; Mirage; Post-Fact Society.