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President George Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

avoid embarassing President George Bush (1); President George W. Bush s (1).

Fri 2008-07-04 00:00 EDT

Secret report: biofuel caused food crisis | Environment | The Guardian

Secret report: biofuel caused food crisis, by Aditya Chakrabortty | Environment | The Guardian; Biofuels have forced global food prices up by 75% says confidential World Bank report; report suppressed to avoid embarassing President George Bush; over a third of US corn now used to produce ethanol and about half of vegetable oils in the EU going towards the production of biodiesel.

biofuel caused food crisis; environment; Guardian; Secret Report.

Sun 2008-05-04 00:00 EDT

A Special Report: The Right's America-Hating Preacher

by Robert Parry | The Smirking Chimp; Reverend Sun Myung Moon "has invested billions of dollars in financing the U.S. conservative movement and put fat wads of cash into the pockets of many prominent Republicans, including members of President George W. Bush's own family." Rev. Moon's lurid sex scandals, espionage, media empire, drug trafficking, gun-running

Right's America-Hating Preacher; special report.