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Real Estate Bottom Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

commercial real estate bottoming (1).

naked capitalism Sun 2010-10-10 13:23 EDT

Jim Quinn: Consumer Deleveraging = Commercial Real Estate Collapse

...Retailers expanding into an oversaturated retail market in the midst of a Depression, when anyone without rose colored glasses can see that Americans must dramatically cut back, are committing a fatal mistake. The hubris of these CEOs will lead to the destruction of their companies and the loss of millions of jobs. They will receive their fat bonuses and stock options right up until the day they are shown the door. All of the happy talk from the Wall Street Journal, CNBC and the other mainstream media about commercial real estate bottoming out is a load of bull... there is absolutely no chance that commercial real estate has bottomed. There are years of pain, writeoffs and bankruptcies to go...

Commercial Real Estate Collapse; Consumer deleveraging; Jim Quinn; naked capitalism.