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Sat 2008-06-14 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Wild Ride In Lehman, Financials

"There is no breathing room for the box Bernanke is in...Economic Checkmate!"

Financial; Lehman; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; wild ride.

Fri 2008-06-13 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Quelle Surprise! Imports Lowering Inflation and Complicating Fed's Job

Complicating Fed's Job; Imports Lowering Inflation; naked capitalism; Quelle Surprise.

Fri 2008-06-13 00:00 EDT

Interfluidity :: The Lieberman plan: "Let them eat dollars."

"Trying to address the "commodity bubble" by restricting so-called speculation is a fool's game"

eat dollars; Interfluidity; Let; Lieberman plan.

Fri 2008-06-13 00:00 EDT

Result of the Fed's rate cuts: global inflation, US stagnation | The Economic Populist

Tim Duy says low interest rates engendered unforeseen blowback

economic populist; Fed's rate-cutting; global inflation; resulting; stagnated.

Thu 2008-06-12 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: Feds Warn on Another Wave of Bad Debt Write-Offs

Jesse's Café Américain: Feds Warn on Another Wave of Bad Debt Write-Offs

Bad Debt Write-Offs; Feds Warn; Jesse's Café Américain; wave.

Thu 2008-06-12 00:00 EDT

Angry Bear: Kudlow's Supply-Side Stupidity: Less Savings = More Investment!

Angry Bear: Kudlow's Supply-Side Stupidity: Less Savings = More Investment!; tax deferral not tax cut unless accompanied by spending cuts

Angry Bear; investment; Kudlow's Supply-Side Stupidity; save.

Thu 2008-06-12 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Philadelphia Homeowner Relief Program

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; Philadelphia Homeowner Relief Program.

Wed 2008-06-11 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Credibility Issues Haunt Lehman

dodgy commercial real estate holdings getting significant writedowns

Credibility Issues Haunt Lehman; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Wed 2008-06-11 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Junk Bond Defaults Soar; Citigroup "Uneasy"

over credit line drawdowns

Citigroup; Junk Bond Defaults Soar; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; uneasiness.

Wed 2008-06-11 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: What is Really Spooking Wall Street - Policy Change is in the Wind

Jesse's Café Américain: What is Really Spooking Wall Street - Policy Change is in the Wind; Joseph Stiglitz on rethinking growth; Jesse: we have ringside seats to history...times of change and crisis are times of volatility, fresh trends, and opportunity

Jesse's Café Américain; policy changes; Really Spooking Wall Street; wind.

Tue 2008-06-10 00:00 EDT

Calculated Risk: Lehman's Bad Real Estate Investments

Calculated Risk; Lehman's Bad Real Estate Investments.

Tue 2008-06-10 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: Feds Warn on Another Wave of Bad Debt Write-Offs

Jesse's Café Américain: Feds Warn on Another Wave of Bad Debt Write-Offs

Bad Debt Write-Offs; Feds Warn; Jesse's Café Américain; wave.

Tue 2008-06-10 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Treasury Curve Steepening Bet Blows Sky High

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; Treasury Curve Steepening Bet Blows Sky High.

Tue 2008-06-10 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Fox Asks For More Authority Over Hen House

Federal Reserve Bank of New York President Timothy Geithner called for greater central bank authority; Mish's Fed uncertainty principle

authority; Fox asked; hen house; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Tue 2008-06-10 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: FHA Loses $4.6 Billion - Denies Insolvency

4; 6; Denies Insolvency; FHA Loses; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Tue 2008-06-10 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Worst Ahead Of Lehman

Lehman; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; Worst Ahead.

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