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Tim | s

Tim's Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Tim's Treasury (1); Turbo Tim's lifting (1).

New Deal 2.0 Sat 2010-07-24 15:59 EDT

The Trouble with Tim's Treasury

...The Washington Post has reported that one of the major impacts of the FinReg bill passed last week by Congress is the accretion of new power to Obama's Treasury Secretary. According to the Post, Tim Geithner stands to inherit vast power to shape bank regulations, oversee financial markets and create a consumer protection agency...``The bill not only hews closely to the initial draft he released last summer but also anoints him -- as long as he remains Treasury secretary -- as the chief of a new council of senior regulators.'' ...

0; new dealing 2; Tim's Treasury; Troubles.

Jesse's Café Américain Thu 2010-01-07 19:07 EST

Class Warfare American Style

Matt Taibbi's reaction to the ZeroHedge story with regard to Turbo Tim's lifting of the government support on Christmas Eve for the GSE's was exactly my own. You can read it in its entirety here. What he does not overtly say is that this is class warfare, and it is becoming worse in the US than at any time since the 1930's. And the outcome of this will be a fundamental test of the US commitment to its republic. The media stokes the viewing public into emotionally-based and virulently distracting arguments about liberal versus conservative, while the gentried class skins them all alive.

Class Warfare American Style; Jesse's Café Américain.