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Cheers Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

cheerful sentiment (1); Markets Cheer Stress Test Double Speak (1).

zero hedge Wed 2009-09-02 20:01 EDT

Money On The Sidelines... 1930 Versus 2009

There is a saying, that everything new is just well-forgotten old. The same apparently is especially applicable to propaganda that seeks to part fools with their money. Today's brownie point question is: was the statement below just uttered by Larry Kudlow, or did it appear first more than 79 years ago? There's a large amount of money on sidelines waiting for investment opportunities; this should be felt in market when ``cheerful sentiment is more firmly intrenched.'' Economists point out that banks and insurance companies ``never before had so much money lying idle.'' If you answered "the latter" you were correct. It first appeared on August 28, 1930 to be precise (and who knows how many times prior...

1930 Versus 2009; money; sidelined; Zero Hedge.

Tue 2009-06-16 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Markets Cheer Stress Test Double Speak

Markets Cheer Stress Test Double Speak; naked capitalism.

Tue 2008-09-02 00:00 EDT

The Newer Deal: The Path to a Democratic Supermajority | The New America Foundation

The Newer Deal: The Path to a Democratic Supermajority, by Michael Lind (Salon, 2008-08-15) | The New America Foundation; ``Social conservatives, having lost the culture war, should be offered not only a truce but also an opportunity to join a broad economic campaign for a middle-class America, as many of them did between 1932 and 1968. When pro-choicers and pro-lifers unite in cheering the public investment and living wage planks at the convention of the neo-Roosevelt party, we will know that the political era that began in 1968 is truly and finally over.''

Democratic supermajority; New America Foundation; Newer Deal; path.