dimelab dimelab: shrinking the gap between talk and action.

DownSouth Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

DownSouth comments (1); DownSouth quotes Niebuhr (1); DownSouth reads Richard Kline's (1); DownSouth references Kevin Phillip's American Theocracy (1); DownSouth tellingly quotes Hannah Arendt (1).

naked capitalism Wed 2009-10-14 12:03 EDT

New York Times: Missing in Action on Health Insurance Lobby Duplicity

...the dubious reporting object lesson is the New York Times, on what is supposedly its most prized beat: Washington DC political reporting. The Times ran two articles that verged on sycophantic in its coverage of the health insurance industry as it moved its chess pieces on the health care reform game board. The Times acted as close to a PR outlet...The Financial Times reports tonight that the health insurance industry, after its great show of making nice to the Obama administration, backstabbed it on the eve of a key vote. Do we see any coverage of this duplicity in the US media, much less the New York Times? [excellent commentary by kevin de bruxelles ``Washington General'' and DownSouth ``political theater, perfect dictatorship, and junkyard dogs'']

action; Health Insurance Lobby Duplicity; missing; naked capitalism; New York time.

naked capitalism Sun 2009-09-13 13:59 EDT

Why Economists Rarely Say Bad Things About the Fed

The Federal Reserve, through its extensive network of consultants, visiting scholars, alumni and staff economists, so thoroughly dominates the field of economics that real criticism of the central bank has become a career liability for members of the profession, an investigation by the Huffington Post has found...DownSouth comments ``The collusion between state and academe is the post-Enlightenment version of the old alliance that existed between church and state in the Ancien Régime. Academe currently fulfills the same function that the church did before, and that is to give the state the imprimatur of moral and intellectual legitimacy.''

Economists Rarely Say Bad Things; Fed; naked capitalism.

naked capitalism Tue 2009-09-08 15:19 EDT

Links 9/8/09

DownSouth tellingly quotes Hannah Arendt and paraphrases Reinhold Niebuhr on economic growth and progress.

Links 9/8/09; naked capitalism.

naked capitalism Tue 2009-09-01 13:10 EDT

Twenty-Five Years to Work Off the Debt Overhang?

T. S. Eliot was right. Human beings cannot stand very much reality. As much as I have an appetite for bearish views (I figure the optimist case gets disproportionate air time), the headline of Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's latest piece, ``Our quarter-century penance is just starting,'' is grim even by the standards of the bearish faithful. Great comment by DownSouth, quoting Martin Luther King and Reinhold Niebuhr to the effect that by delegating to elites what should be the role of labor unions and grass-roots organizations. Niebuhr wrote: ``when collective power, whether in the form of imperialism or class domination, exploits weakness, it can never be dislodged unless power is raised against it'' ``Before we can fix the economy, the polity must be repaired first.''

debt overhang; naked capitalism; working; years.

Fri 2009-07-24 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Guest Post: Supercop or Superflop?

SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro; DownSouth quotes Niebuhr, Kevin Phillips

Guest Post; naked capitalism; supercop; Superflop.

Thu 2009-07-23 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Andy Xie: "If China loses faith the dollar will collapse"

DownSouth references Kevin Phillip's American Theocracy, lauds Jimmy Carter's achievements; dollar losing reserve currency status

Andy Xie; China loses faith; Collapse; Dollar; naked capitalism.

Sat 2009-06-13 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Links 6/13/09

DownSouth reads Richard Kline's ``our next twenty plus years. Argentina twenty times larger.''; ``American exceptionalism therefore will most likely not die an easy death, and the U.S. will not be spared that final humbling, and destructive, drubbing.''

Links 6/13/09; naked capitalism.