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James Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

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Tue 2008-10-07 00:00 EDT

rrrojer.net >> Despite Everything, I Still Love America

Joe Bageant; Matt Taibbi; Sarah Palin; Camille Paglia; Elaine Meinel Supkis; James Kunstler

Love America; net; rrrojer.

Sun 2008-08-24 00:00 EDT

Guest Commentary

The Great Consumer Crash of 2009, by James Quinn (Prudent Bear); ``the tremendous prosperity that began during the Reagan years of the early 1980s has been a false prosperity built upon easy credit''; ``We have outsourced our savings to the emerging economies, along with our manufacturing jobs.'' ``the gathering storm has arrived. It will be long, painful and destructive.''

guest commentary.

Mon 2008-08-04 00:00 EDT

Is the U.S. Banking System Safe? - Seeking Alpha

Is the U.S. Banking System Safe? by James Quinn - Seeking Alpha; "The U.S. banking system is essentially insolvent. The Treasury, Federal Reserve, FASB, and Congress are colluding to keep the American public in the dark for as long as possible...When you see a bank CEO or a top government official tell you that everything is alright, run for the hills. They are lying."

Seeking Alpha; U.S. Banking System Safe.

Thu 2008-07-24 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: James Bianco on Possible Role of SemGroup Bankruptcy in Oil Price Drop

James Bianco; naked capitalism; oil price drop; possible role; SemGroup Bankruptcy.

Sat 2008-07-19 00:00 EDT

Why No Outrage? - WSJ.com

Why No Outrage? by James Grant - WSJ.com; "Wall Street's damaging recklessness has been met with near-silence, from a too-tolerant populace"; "the old populists actually won...paper money, federally insured bank deposits and a heavy governmental hand in the distribution of credit"

com; Outrage; WSJ.

Wed 2008-07-09 00:00 EDT

The GOP's December Surprise

by James K. Galbraith; s the GOP cooking the books to avoid recession till after Election Day? Fed eases for republican incumbents, tightens for democrats!

GOP's December Surprise.

Fri 2008-07-04 00:00 EDT

Angry Bear: Who's your daddy?

James K. Galbraith, collapse of monetarism

Angry Bear; Daddy; s.

Fri 2008-07-04 00:00 EDT

Economic Dreams - Economic Nightmares: James Galbraith on the 'Collapse of Monetarism'

Collapse; Economic Dreams; Economics Nightmares; James Galbraith; Monetarism.

Fri 2008-06-20 00:00 EDT

Walter Bagehot Was Wrong - June 19, 2008 - The New York Sun

Walter Bagehot Was Wrong, by James Grant - June 19, 2008 - The New York Sun; Jim Grant: structuring mortgages for central bank deposit in special liquidity facilities will result in a new cycle of currency debasement; Walter Bagehot versus Thomson Hankey on central banks, moral hazard, fairness, and ready money

2008; June 19; New York Sun; Walter Bagehot; wrong.

Sat 2008-03-22 00:00 EDT

Econbrowser: Another 75

by James Hamilton; "there is some point beyond which lowering the fed funds rate further will do more harm than good"

75; Econbrowser.

Thu 2008-01-03 00:00 EST

"Snake oil salesman" would be too generous | Campaign for America's Future

"Snake oil salesman" would be too generous, by Rick Perlstein; Bush appointee James Glassman | Campaign for America's Future

America s future; campaign; generously; snake oil salesman.

Fri 2007-11-09 00:00 EST

naked capitalism: OFHEO's James Lockhart Takes Cuomo to the Woodshed

Cuomo suing WaMu for appraisal fraud

naked capitalism; OFHEO's James Lockhart Takes Cuomo; Woodshed.

Mon 2007-09-10 00:00 EDT

Making Other Arrangements | James Howard Kunstler | Orion magazine

Making Other Arrangements: A wake-up call to a citizenry in the shadow of oil scarcity, by James Howard Kunstler | Orion magazine (2007-01)

arrangement; James Howard Kunstler; makes; Orion Magazine.

Fri 2007-09-07 00:00 EDT

Econbrowser: Borrowing short and lending long

by James Hamilton; new bank-like institutions have evolved outside existing regulatory structures, issuing commercial paper and buying securitized debt

borrowers Short; Econbrowser; lend long.

Mon 2006-11-20 00:00 EST

Kunstler on Cities of the Future

James Howard Kunstler, A Reflection on Cities of the Future

Citi; future; Kunstler.

Mon 2004-03-22 00:00 EST

Salon.com | Debunking the Economist -- again

by James Galbraith (against globalization)

com; Debunking; Economist; Salon.

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