dimelab dimelab: shrinking the gap between talk and action.

Dark Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

come darkness (1); dark age (1); Dark days (1); dark pool domination (1); dark pools (3); Dark Side (1); dark trading venues (1).

Sat 2010-08-07 20:18 EDT

Wall Street's Big Win | Rolling Stone Politics

...Obama and the Democrats boasted that the bill is the "toughest financial reform since the ones we created in the aftermath of the Great Depression" -- a claim that would maybe be more impressive if Congress had passed any financial reforms since the Great Depression, or at least any that didn't specifically involve radically undoing the Depression-era laws...What it was, ultimately, was a cop-out, a Band-Aid on a severed artery. If it marks the end of anything at all, it represents the end of the best opportunity we had to do something real about the criminal hijacking of America's financial-services industry. During the yearlong legislative battle that forged this bill, Congress took a long, hard look at the shape of the modern American economy -- and then decided that it didn't have the stones to wipe out our country's one --dependably thriving profit center: theft...Dodd-Frank was never going to be a meaningful reform unless these two fateful Clinton-era laws -- commercial banks gambling with taxpayer money, and unregulated derivatives being traded in the dark -- were reversed...Republican and Democratic leaders were working together with industry insiders and deep-pocketed lobbyists to prevent rogue members like Merkley and Levin from effecting real change...Geithner acted almost like a liaison to the financial industry, pushing for Wall Street-friendly changes on everything...Without the Volcker rule and the --Lincoln rule, the final version of finance reform is like treating the opportunistic symptoms of AIDS without taking on the virus itself. In a sense, the failure of Congress to treat the disease is a tacit admission that it has no strategy for our economy going forward that doesn't involve continually inflating and reinflating speculative bubbles...

Rolling Stone political; Wall Street's Big Win.

zero hedge Sun 2010-05-09 09:15 EDT

Where Was Goldman's Supplementary Liquidity Provider Team Yesterday? A Recap Of Goldman's Program Trading Monopoly

In addition to having said many things about HFT in general in the last year, over the past 12 months Zero Hedge has focused a lot of attention specifically on Goldman's dominance of the NYSE's Program Trading platform, where in addition to recent entrant GETCO, it has been to date an explicit monopolist of the so-called Supplementary Liquidity Provider program, a role which affords the company greater liquidity rebates for, well providing liquidity (more on this below), and generating who knows what other possible front market-looking, flow-prop integration (presumably legal) benefits. Yesterday, Goldman's SLP function was non-existent. One wonders - was the Goldman SLP team in fact liquidity taking, or to put it bluntly, among the main reasons for the market collapse...Readers are welcome to go back through our archives and acquaint themselves with the NYSE's SLP program, with Goldman's domination of program trading, with Goldman's domination of dark trading venues via the Sigma X suite, with Goldman's domination of flow trading via Redi X, and with Goldman's domination of virtually every vertical of the capital markets, which would be terrific if monopolies were encouraged in the US...We have long claimed that Goldman is the de facto monopolist of the NYSE's program trading platform. As such, it is certainly the case that Goldman was instrumental in either a) precipitating yesterday's crash or b) not providing the critical liquidity which it is required to do, when the time came...

Goldman's Program Trading Monopoly; Goldman's Supplementary Liquidity Provider Team; Recap; Zero Hedge.

zero hedge Tue 2010-04-27 07:50 EDT

Janet Tavakoli: "President Obama - Bring Back Black"

William K. Black, a regulator during the dark days of the Savings & Loan Crisis, gave the most sensible testimony about the financial crisis heard in Washington so far.* Fraud thrives and spreads in a regulatory free, highly paid, criminogenic environment. Cheaters prosper driving honesty out of the market...It's time to bring back Black and resolute regulators like him. Our proposed "financial reform" bill is a sham, and the health of our society and our economy is at stake...

Black; bringing; Janet Tavakoli; President Obama; Zero Hedge.

Tue 2009-10-27 13:06 EDT

Courthouse News Service

Bank of America and Countrywide Home Loans destroyed mortgage documents, and "recreate" them by "insert(ing) data as they see fit," to cover up their own failure to keep records - or their fraud - according to a federal RICO class action. "To cover up the servicing mistakes and fraud and misrepresentation in the servicing of a consumer escrow, Defendants 'recreate' letters, insert data as they see fit, and fail to produce the entire HUD complaint form. This way, a consumer is left in the dark about the fraud that occurred to them," the complaint states. Lead plaintiff Kim Gorham says that when she sent a letter seeking information about her escrow account, she was informed that it had been "destroyed by a letter opener."

Courthouse News Service.

zero hedge Mon 2009-10-12 10:13 EDT

Overview Of Goldman Sachs Electronic Trading: Part 1

Zero Hedge is starting a multi-part overview of Goldman Sachs' Electronic Trading client-focused product suite, to demonstrate just how extensively embedded in modern market architecture are Goldman's various DMA and "liquidity" facilitation schemes, and the depths of dark pool domination via Goldman's global order router, and other specific topical offerings.

Goldman Sachs Electronic Trading; overview; Part 1; Zero Hedge.

ClubOrlov Mon 2009-10-12 09:53 EDT

Marketing in a Small Town - Interview No. 3

Dmitry Davydov runs a popular Russian-language blog. Periodically we correspond, and publish the correspondence...I do not know whether the coming age will be Dark Age, but I am sure that it will be rather dim. After all, the art of lying has displaced a lot of useful knowledge.

3; ClubOrlov; interview; Market; small towns.

Tue 2009-06-16 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Is Optimism All It's Cracked Up to Be?

Susan Webber ``Dark Side of Optimism''

crack; naked capitalism; optimization.

Sun 2008-11-23 00:00 EST

Joe Bageant: Sarah Palin is the Future of Conservatism

by Anonymous Political Consultant John Brown; ``In a system, which is entering a period of semi-permanent crisis, to plant oneself or one's party in its political center is to make yourself responsible for a political system which is forever failing, losing legitimacy and eventually its right to rule. In the long run, the future will belong to whichever political force flies the boldest flags, stands credibly far enough from those who will be held accountable for our troubles, and curses the loudest at the coming darkness.''

Conservatism; future; Joe Bageant; Sarah Palin.

Wed 2008-08-13 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Project Turquoise: Priming the pump for the next bailout

enable private placements of large lots of stock without the need for public disclosure; dark pools

Bailout; naked capitalism; Prime; Project Turquoise; pump.

Mon 2008-08-04 00:00 EDT

Is the U.S. Banking System Safe? - Seeking Alpha

Is the U.S. Banking System Safe? by James Quinn - Seeking Alpha; "The U.S. banking system is essentially insolvent. The Treasury, Federal Reserve, FASB, and Congress are colluding to keep the American public in the dark for as long as possible...When you see a bank CEO or a top government official tell you that everything is alright, run for the hills. They are lying."

Seeking Alpha; U.S. Banking System Safe.

Wed 2008-05-21 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: The Shadow Exchanges Gather Their Forces

Jesse's Café Américain: The Shadow Exchanges Gather Their Forces; Goldman, UBS and Morgan Stanley agree on dark pools; secret market for big players

forced; Jesse's Café Américain; Shadow Exchanges Gather.

Wed 2007-11-28 00:00 EST

Money Matters: The Banks And CDO Insurers Suffer Losses

by Elaine Meinel Supkis; Chinese forcing rising yen caused July dislocations; carry trade debunked; "money, like sex, is best done in the dark"; "England pretended to be moral and upright while looting the world, enslaving Africans, stealing gold,..., patting themselves on the back when they finally stopped committing one crime or another."

bank; CDO Insurers Suffer Losses; money matters.