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maneuver known Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Fri 2010-10-08 20:58 EDT

Foreclosuregate and Obama's "Pocket Veto"

Amid a snowballing foreclosure fraud crisis, President Obama today blocked legislation that critics say could have made it more difficult for homeowners to challenge foreclosure proceedings against them. The bill passed the Senate with unanimous consent and with no scrutiny by the DC media. In a maneuver known as a "pocket veto," President Obama indirectly vetoed the legislation by declining to sign the bill passed by Congress while legislators are on recess...By most reports, it would appear that the voluntary suspension of foreclosures is underway to review simple, careless, procedural errors...However, those errors go far deeper than mere sloppiness; they are concealing a massive fraud. They cannot be corrected with legitimate paperwork, and that was the reason the servicers had to hire "foreclosure mills" to fabricate the documents. These errors involve perjury and forgery - fabricating documents that never existed and swearing to the accuracy of facts not known...

Foreclosuregate; Obama's; Pocket Veto.