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Oracle Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Market Oracle (2).

Tue 2009-10-06 21:14 EDT

TraderFeed: Featured Book Look: Dear Mr. Buffett by Janet Tavakoli

Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked," Warren Buffett once observed. Janet Tavakoli's book Dear Mr. Buffett is less about the Oracle From Omaha than the various naked swimmers in the recent financial markets. The essence of her argument is that the recent financial turmoil is not the result of unpredictable black swan events; rather, it is the consequence of out and out malfeasance on the part of those who take risk and those who are charged with regulating it.

Featured Book Look; Janet Tavakoli; Mr. Buffett; TraderFeed.

Thu 2007-09-13 00:00 EDT

US Heads for Recession as Foreign Investors Rush for the Exit from US Dollar Holdings :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Forecasting & Analysis Free Website

US Heads for Recession as Foreign Investors Rush for the Exit from US Dollar Holdings, by Mike Whitney; The Market Oracle

Analysis Free Website; dollar holdings; exit; Financial Markets Forecasts; Foreign Investors Rushing; Head; Market Oracle; Recession.