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recent decision Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

recent decisions insure (1); Treasury's recent decision (1).

Wed 2010-08-04 20:48 EDT

Janet Tavakoli: Stranguflation: Deflation and Inflation Where it Hurts America Most

The U.S. is suffering from high unemployment combined with too much consumer debt in a weak economy...our bloated financial sector has been sucking the life-blood out of the U.S. economy for years, and recent decisions insure it will continue to feed off taxpayers, while the host economy struggles for life...The bailouts were a perversion of capitalism and the principles upon which The Republic was founded. This was the result of influential interested parties reaching into the U.S. Treasury with no accountability. Capitalism doesn't call for bailouts, instead investors take losses. Shareholders in failed financial institutions should have been wiped out, debt holders would have had to accept discounts combined with debt for equity swaps, and financial institutions would have then been recapitalized without taxpayers footing the bill. Instead banks lobbied for relaxed accounting and ineffective "financial reform." No one, including bank managers, can tell how much capital is truly needed, and taxpayers' ongoing heavy subsidies give these financial institutions the appearance of stability.

deflation; hurting America; Inflation; Janet Tavakoli; Stranguflation.

Credit Writedowns Sun 2010-01-03 11:48 EST

Manipulating mortgages

The dust has settled a bit on the Treasury's recent decision to give Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac a green light to nationalize our mortgage problem...I see Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as a means of manipulating interest rates and distorting the allocation of resources and funneling precious capital investment into a housing sector which suffers a dreadful amount of overcapacity. This is bubble economics pure and simple and it will fail spectacularly.

credit writedowns; Manipulation Mortgage.