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Fri 2009-07-24 00:00 EDT

Terms of Service

Goldman Sachs Shareholders Rebuff Firm's Board for First Time - Bloomberg.com

services; term.

Fri 2009-07-24 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Guest Post: "Why I'm Freaking Out"

Gonzala Lira; ``Sixteen months into this Millennial Depression, and less than a business quarter into Obama's administration, it is inescapably clear that Team Obama hasn't the slightest idea what it's doing.''

Freaking; Guest Post; naked capitalism.

Fri 2009-07-24 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Guest Post: AIG CDS Unwind Goes From Waterfall To A Trickle

*** banks' fixed income trading desks generated phenomenal profitability in January and February hadnothing to do with actual trading of fixed income and everything to do with AIG's hamheaded (and loss-generating) unwind of its CDS book''

AIG CDS Unwind Goes; Guest Post; naked capitalism; trickle; waterfall.

Fri 2009-07-24 00:00 EDT

Salon.com | Who caused the economic crisis?

Salon.com | Who caused the economic crisis? Economist Simon Johnson and "Obamanomics" author John Talbott say there's plenty of blame to go around

caused; com; Economic Crisis; Salon.

Fri 2009-07-24 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Credit Card Issuer Advanta Has Huge Losses, Halts Lending

Credit Card Issuer Advanta; halt lending; huge losses; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Fri 2009-07-24 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: Friedman Resigns as NY Fed Chairman, Had Been Buying Goldman Stock in 2008-9

Jesse's Café Américain: Friedman Resigns as NY Fed Chairman, Had Been Buying Goldman Stock in 2008-9 -- ``it is perfectly all right for a Fed Chairman to buy shares in one of the banks he is 'regulating' especially when he is helping to make critical policy decisions directly involving them.''

2008 9; Buying Goldman Stock; Friedman resigns; Jesse's Café Américain; NY Fed Chairman.

Thu 2009-07-23 00:00 EDT

Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler : The Bottom

``the bottom of this society's ability to process reality''

Bottom; Clusterfuck Nation; Jim Kunstler.

Thu 2009-07-23 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: The Cause of the Financial Crisis

Jesse's Café Américain: The Cause of the Financial Crisis, James K. Galbraith on Causes of the Crisis

caused; Financial Crisis; Jesse's Café Américain.

Satyajit Das's Blog - Fear & Loathing in Financial Products Thu 2009-07-23 00:00 EDT

Satyajit Das's Blog - Fear & Loathing in Financial Products: Banking Fortunes -- From ``Catastrophic!'' to ``Just Awful''!

Satyajit Das's Blog - Fear & Loathing in Financial Products: Banking Fortunes - From "Catastrophic!" to "Just Awful"!

Banking Fortunes; catastrophes; fears; financial products; just awful; loath; Satyajit Das's Blog.

Thu 2009-07-23 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Stupidity Squared

John Mauldin

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; Stupidity Squared.

Thu 2009-07-23 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: Cracking Down on Naked Short Selling of Treasuries

Jesse's Café Américain: Cracking Down on Naked Short Selling of Treasuries, treasury delivery fails

crack; Jesse's Café Américain; naked short selling; Treasury.

Thu 2009-07-23 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Guest Post: The White House Threatened To Destroy Perella Weinberg's Reputation

by Tyler Durden, publisher of Zero Hedge

Destroy Perella Weinberg's Reputation; Guest Post; naked capitalism; White House threatened.

Thu 2009-07-23 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Andy Xie: "If China loses faith the dollar will collapse"

DownSouth references Kevin Phillip's American Theocracy, lauds Jimmy Carter's achievements; dollar losing reserve currency status

Andy Xie; China loses faith; Collapse; Dollar; naked capitalism.

Fri 2009-06-26 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: A Final Word on Inflation and Deflation

Jesse's Café Américain: A Final Word on Inflation and Deflation; ``serious monetary inflation is triggered by excessive government debt obligations, and not private debt, that can no longer be adequately serviced by a productive real economy and domestic taxation...the output gap is no sure barrier to this type of inflation is that it ironically serves to feed it in the presence of profligate government spending, since it dampens tax revenues and domestic GDP.

deflation; final words; Inflation; Jesse's Café Américain.

Tue 2009-06-16 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: Congressional Watchdog to Drop a Bombshell on the US Financial Industry

Jesse's Café Américain: Congressional Watchdog to Drop a Bombshell on the US Financial Industry; Elizabeth Warren

bombshell; congressional watchdogs; dropped; financial industry; Jesse's Café Américain.

Tue 2009-06-16 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: John Hancock Tower Foreclosure Sale, a 65% Haircut In 3 Years

3 years; 65; haircut; John Hancock Tower Foreclosure Sale; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

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