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amazed Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Amazingly Disingenuous Piece (1).

Fri 2010-04-02 19:53 EDT

Homage To Haiti: A War Nerd Classic - By Gary Brecher - The eXiled

Haiti popped into the news again, and I decided it was time to tell the whole military history of the place. It's got to be the most amazing, bloodsoaked, heroic, messed-up story in the Western Hemisphere: slave armies defeating Napoleon's troops, huge castles built in the middle of the jungle, endless three-cornered war between whites, blacks and mulattos...Haiti's history isn't just a lot of killing, either. A lot of Haitian leaders were brilliant guys who weren't afraid of anybody -- not Napoleon, not Jesus, not nobody. These guys were self-made black Roman Emperors. They came up the hard way, out of slavery in the cane fields, and beat the European armies that tried to take the place back. All comers--French, British, Spanish -- the Haitians took them all on and put the fear into them.

exiled; Gary Brecher; Haiti; homage; War Nerd Classic.

zero hedge Sun 2010-01-31 23:09 EST

Scandal: Albert Edwards Alleges Central Banks Were Complicit In Robbing The Middle Classes

Did the US and UK central banks collude with the politicians to `steal' their nations' income growth from the middle classes and hand it to the very rich?... the US and UK central banks were actively complicit in an aggressive re-distributive policy benefiting the very rich. Indeed, it has been amazing how little political backlash there has been against the stagnation of ordinary people?s earnings in the US and UK. Did central banks, in creating housing bubbles, help distract middle class attention from this re-distributive policy by allowing them to keep consuming via equity extraction? The emergence of extreme inequality might never otherwise have been tolerated by the electorate...

Albert Edwards Alleges Central Banks; complicit; middle class; Rob; scandal; Zero Hedge.

Jesse's Café Américain Mon 2009-12-28 21:07 EST

Who Is Buying All These US Treasuries (And Can They Keep It Up in 2010)?

...according to the government, US households are absolutely piling into US sovereign and corporate debt at record levels, and at record low interest rates. And almost no one but the Fed is buying Agency Debt...this is why I think we might see quite a bloodbath in the bonds in 2010, as mom and pop get skinned by the Street for weighing in so heavily on this one sided trade in US sovereign debt. The US household sector is a slow moving convoy, presenting a traditional and tempting target for the Wall Street wolf packs...Sprott Asset Management says: "Our concern now is that this is all starting to resemble one giant Ponzi scheme. We all know that the Fed has been active in the market for T-bills...under the auspices of Quantitative Easing, they bought almost 50% of the new Treasury issues in Q2 and almost 30% in Q3...We are now in a situation, however, where the Fed is printing dollars to buy Treasuries as a means of faking the Treasury's ability to attract outside capital. If our research proves anything, it's that the regular buyers of US debt are no longer buying, and it amazes us that the US can successfully issue a record number Treasuries in this environment without the slightest hiccup in the market."

2010; buy; Jesse's Café Américain; keeping; Treasury.

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis Thu 2009-08-27 10:52 EDT

Bankrupt Auto Parts Suppliers Seek $100 Million In Executive Bonuses

In every corner, greed continues to amaze. Please consider Bankrupt suppliers seek exec bonuses. A growing number of bankrupt auto suppliers are seeking court approval to pay tens of millions of dollars in bonuses to key executives, as they shed employees and cut costs.

100; Bankrupt Auto Parts Suppliers Seek; executives bonus; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Wed 2009-04-01 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: An Amazingly Disingenuous Piece by Alan Blinder on Bank Nationalization

Alan Blinder; Amazingly Disingenuous Piece; bank National; naked capitalism.