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estate bust Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Coming Real Estate Bust (1); Commercial Real Estate Bust (3); long-coming commercial real estate bust (1); real estate bust (6).

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis Tue 2010-05-18 16:29 EDT

Canaries in Coalmine: China, Asia, not Participating in Euro Bailout Lovefest; Beginnings of China Credit, Real Estate Bust

Is China a canary in the coalmine of an impending global slowdown, or is China simply overloved as a beacon of growth as it was in 2008? I think it's both. China's property and infrastructure bubbles are massive; that is for certain. Moreover, China's biggest export trading partner is Europe, just as Europe is headed for numerous austerity programs. While it's doubtful the European austerity programs bring deficits down to where they are supposed to be, those programs will for a while cause a decline in European spending along with much social unrest. Can China take a double whammy like this without overheating? I think not. And China will have to show things down, whether it wants to or not. ... The "China Story" that most of the world is in love with is nothing more than excess credit finding a home in malinvestments just as happened in the US.

Asia; Begins; canaries; China; China credit; coalminer; Euro Bailout Lovefest; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; participated; real estate bust.

Thu 2010-01-07 19:54 EST

Conversation with John Rubino <<; Phil's Favorites -- By Ilene

John Rubino is the co-author, with GoldMoney's James Turk, of The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit From It (Doubleday, 2007), and author of Clean Money: Picking Winners in the Green-Tech Boom (Wiley, 2008), How to Profit from the Coming Real Estate Bust (Rodale, 2003) and Main Street, Not Wall Street (Morrow, 1998)...``This is the end of a long era and the beginning of another that is not going to be nearly as nice.''...go to a coin dealer and buy some gold and silver coins and then store them in a safe place. And gold and silver mining stocks will go up if the dollar goes down...Clean tech is interesting...which of the twenty different possible clean tech sectors do you want to focus on first? ...The best of them is called smart grid....

conversations; Ilene; John Rubino; Phil's Favorites.

Credit Writedowns Tue 2010-01-05 19:27 EST

The collapse of commercial real estate

The long-coming commercial real estate bust has arrived in the U.S. and elsewhere, a result of sky-high prices met by a severe downturn. Prices could only work in a best-case economic scenario and large busts are now coming (see my posts on Stuyvesant Town and Capmark Financial).

Collapse; commercial real estate; credit writedowns.

Sun 2008-11-23 00:00 EST

Calculated Risk: The Commercial Real Estate Bust

Calculated Risk; Commercial Real Estate Bust.

Mon 2008-04-21 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Vacancies Soar In Commercial Real Estate Bust

Commercial Real Estate Bust; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; Vacancies Soar.

Mon 2007-07-30 00:00 EDT

Abandoned homes concern Chandler officials

(Arizona Republic; foreclosure; real estate bust)

Abandoned homes concern Chandler officials.