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highly levered Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Highly Levered Way (2); highly-levered takeovers (1); Old Highly Levered Ways (1).

naked capitalism Tue 2009-09-22 13:02 EDT

Bank of America: 40% of Junk Bonds to Default by 2013

With more than half the corporate bonds rated junk, thanks to highly-levered takeovers, it wasn't hard to imagine that a protracted economic bad spell could lead to a lot of defaults...the novel feature of the binge of late-cycle merger loans, ``cov lite'' deals, will make the damage worse...the odds of a successful [re]structuring are lower, and more companies will wind up liquidating. Thus not only will defaults reach new post-war highs, but recoveries are likely to be lower.

2013; 40; America; bank; default; junk bonds; naked capitalism.

naked capitalism Sun 2009-08-30 14:53 EDT

Party Time! Wall Street Back to Its Old Highly Levered Ways

Bloomberg reports that Wall Street is back to its free-wheeling, high-levered ways. This is a classic example of moral hazard in action. Why worry about blowing up the bank when you know the taxpayer will bail you out?

naked capitalism; Old Highly Levered Ways; Party time; Wall Street.