dimelab dimelab: shrinking the gap between talk and action.

Homeland Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Homeland Security (3); Homeland Security Presidential Directive (1).

Tue 2010-01-12 23:32 EST

Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr. on the Failure of the Public Sector, the Coming Military Crackdown and What Can Be Done to Stop It

...The foremost problem-because it is the source of, or contributes significantly to, almost every economic difficulty now plaguing this country-is the inherent and ineradicable instability of the present monetary and banking systems centered around the Federal Reserve System. The second problem derives from the first. It is the ever-accelerating development of a first-class para-militarized police-state apparatus centered around the United States Department of Homeland Security, with its tentacles reaching down into every police force throughout the States and localities. Fundamentally, this apparatus is not, and never was, designed to deal with international "terrorism". If that were its goal, its first task would be absolutely to secure the southern border of the United States, which it has never seriously attempted to do. Rather, it is being set up to deal with what the political-cum-financial Establishment anticipates (and I believe rightly so) will be massive social and political unrest bordering on chaos throughout America when the monetary and banking systems finally implode in the not-so-distant future-surely in hyperinflation, and probably in hyperinflation coupled with a gut-wrenching depression. Of these two problems, the second is actually the more dangerous...

Coming Military Crackdown; Dr. Edwin Vieira; failure; Jr; public sector; stop.

Tue 2008-01-22 00:00 EST

Money Matters: The Lone Ranger's Silver Bullet Rate Cuts Saves Markets

by Elaine Meinel Supkis; "When Britain and France used the Long Depression to expand their empires, both Germany and the USA used this time frame to build rail roads, ports, navies, farms, factories and educational centers. As France and England denuded their home states to increase invasive military power that took in the raw resources of the world, their people got weaker and their incomes fell and they went hungry and in rags in slums or fled their homelands to the New Worlds."

Lone Ranger's Silver Bullet Rate Cuts Saves Markets; money matters.

Tue 2007-09-25 00:00 EDT

When America Went Fascist - The Smirking Chimp

When America Went Fascist, by Chris Rowthorn; constitution gutted, nation as 'homeland'; detention camps under construction - The Smirking Chimp

America Went Fascist; Smirking Chimp.

Fri 2007-05-25 00:00 EDT

National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive

2007-05-09; comprehensive national policy on the continuity of Federal Government

Homeland Security Presidential Directive; national security.

Thu 2002-10-03 00:00 EDT

The National Strategy For Homeland Security

-- george bush white house

Homeland Security; National strategy.