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Kwak Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

James Kwak (3).

naked capitalism Wed 2009-11-11 13:50 EST

Guest Post: Big Banks Are NOT More Efficient

I have repeatedly pointed out that big banks are not more efficient than smaller banks. For example, I previously noted that an article in Fortune concluded: The largest banks often don't show the greatest efficiency...``They actually experience diseconomies of scale,''...James Kwak has done some sleuthing and discovered that even Fed economists don't buy the bigger-is-more-efficient argument...

big banks; efficiency; Guest Post; naked capitalism.

Wed 2009-10-14 12:45 EDT

Who Needs Big Banks? >> The Baseline Scenario

...The American Dream is for people, not companies. And people dream of working hard, being successful, making money, and having an impact on the world...This whole argument, that global companies need massive banks, is one of those things that sound plausible until you actually start thinking about them.

Baseline Scenario; Needs Big Banks.

The Baseline Scenario Thu 2009-10-08 16:52 EDT

The Problem with Securitization

The New York Times has a story on ``Paralysis in the Debt Markets'' which says, basically, that credit has dried up because of lack of demand for asset-backed securities. In English, that means that since no one wants to invest in securities that are made out of home mortgages, the people who originate mortgages have no place to sell the mortgages to, so they don't have any money to lend. And this is also true of commercial real estate, student loans, and so on. For example, ``A once-thriving private market in securities backed by home mortgages has collapsed, from $744 billion in 2005, at the peak of the housing boom, to $8 billion during the first half of this year.''...the private market may never recover. The boom in securitization was based on investors' willingness to believe what investment banks and credit rating agencies said about these securities.

Baseline Scenario; problem; securitizations.