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Minyan Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Minyan Mailbag (3); Minyan Peter (3).

Tue 2008-05-20 00:00 EDT

Minyanville -

What the ETF? by Minyan Peter, Minyanville; "a broadened investor base, particularly inexperienced investors, and enhanced liquidity have been critical elements of every financial bubble in history"; "for the first time in financial history, the bubbles -- in securitized debt and commodities -- are truly global phenomena"


Sun 2007-12-23 00:00 EST

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Minyan Mailbag: Vulture Financing

deals still getting done; bottom will not occur until nearly impossible to get a deal done

Minyan Mailbag; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; Vulture Financing.

Mon 2007-12-17 00:00 EST

Minyanville -

Minyan Mailbag: Deflation, The Fed and Control, by Mr. Practical; "all roads lead to a devastating deflation in the US", credit deflation bullish for USD


Mon 2007-11-12 00:00 EST

Minyanville -

Minyan Peter: Bank Earnings Post Mortem (2007-10-26); originate for resale/securitization business model broken; balance sheets growing; credit quality deteriorating; formerly abundant credit becoming scarce resource


Tue 2007-10-02 00:00 EDT

Minyanville -

Bank Earnings 101: Banks are generally leveraged 10:1; by Minyan Peter (2007-09-10)


Fri 2007-09-14 00:00 EDT

Minyanville -

Minyan Mailbag: Has the Fed Added Liquidity to the Markets? "it is not the Fed that creates liquidity in an economy; it is the commercial banking system"
