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Nieman Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Galbraith told Nieman watchdog (1); Nieman fell (1); Nieman Watchdog (2); Richard Nieman (1).

Fri 2010-07-16 18:30 EDT

On Pelosi's Duplicity and Apparent Sandbagging of Elizabeth Warren <<; naked capitalism

Despite her longevity as a California pol, house speaker Nancy Pelosi is looking like every bit as much of a dyed-in-the-wool financial services industry backer as the Congressmen on the New York-Boston corridor...So why are we pointing a finger at Pelosi in particular? The next chapter is her appointment of one Richard Nieman to the Congressional Oversight Panel...Nieman is the New York Superintendant of Banks. He helped Goldman set up its bank holding company...Nieman fell out with the other Democrats and wrote a joint opinion with John Sununu...to anyone with a passing acquaintance with the facts, the dissenting views are absurd...I can't imagine that Nieman would have fallen in with the Republicans without at least as a courtesy informing Pelosi in advance...So Pelosi is at a minimum sitting this one out (which I deem unlikely) or on board with the program to undermine Warren. And let us not kid ourselves, the knives are coming out...[2009-04-26]

Apparent Sandbagging; Elizabeth Warren; naked capitalism; Pelosi's Duplicity.

Thu 2009-10-22 14:25 EDT

Nieman Watchdog > Commentary > Where's the reporting on the fraud that led to the crash?

University of Texas economist and author James Galbraith believes the press has paid too little attention to investigating the ``criminal and felonious behavior'' involved in the economic crash of last year. ``The press as a whole used [Ponzi-schemer] Bernie Madoff as the emblem of wrongdoing, but compared to the wrongdoing in the housing sector, the Madoff scandal was small-bore,'' Galbraith told Nieman Watchdog in a recent interview. ``The press has tended a bit to treat this issue [mortgage related fraud] as a kind of boys-will-be-boys phenomenon. The press has not been aggressive in investigating this the way they should, to point out to readers the extent to which we're talking about fraud -- criminal, felonious behavior -- that will end up with people in the penitentiary.''

commentary; Crash; fraud; led; Nieman Watchdog; report; s.