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Nihonjin care Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

ClubOrlov Wed 2009-08-26 13:53 EDT

The Slope of Dysfunction

(Update: click here for a special version for the Nihonjin care of Masayuki.) Perhaps you have heard of the Peak Oil theory? Most people have by now, even the people whose job used to involve denying the possibility that global crude oil production would peak any time soon. Now that everybody seems a bit more comfortable with the idea, perhaps it is time to reexamine it. Is the scenario Peak Oil theoreticians paint indeed realistic, or is it firmly grounded in wishful thinking? Here is a typical, slightly outdated Peak Oil chart. I chose it because it looks pretty and conveys the typical Peak Oil message, which is that global crude oil (and natural gas condensate) production will rise to a lofty peak sometime soon, and then drift down...

ClubOrlov; dysfunctional; Slope.