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overhang Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

debt overhang (4); housing overhang (1); joint sovereign/bank debt overhang (1); large overhang (1); private sector debt overhang (1).

zero hedge - on a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero Fri 2010-07-23 11:01 EDT

Charting The Second Half Economic Slowdown

Goldman's Jan Hatzius...summarizes all the adverse trends that continue to not be priced into stocks. He notes that while the inventory cycle has boosted growth, this artificial rise is now losing steam. Key headwinds facing the economy are that fiscal policy, which has been expansionary, has now become to restrictive; that there has been no overshoot in layoffs for a mean reversion expectation; that the labor market multiplier is very much limited; that while capital spending is just modestly above replacement levels, the large output gap suggests spending should be subdued; the housing overhang is still huge and house prices have further to fall; that there are risks to US from European crisis; that inflation is dropping (and non-existent) even as utilization is low everywhere, which creates a major deflation risk; that the scary budget deficit will destroy any hope for future fiscal stimulus as public debt is surging out of control; lastly, with Taylor-implied Fed rates expected to be negative, the Fed's monetary policy arsenal is non-existent...

chart; dropped; economic slowdown; long; survival rate; Timeline; zero; Zero Hedge.

naked capitalism Sun 2010-02-28 13:08 EST

Martin Wolf is Very Gloomy, and With Good Reason

Martin Wolf, the Financial Times' highly respected chief economics editor, weighs in with a pretty pessimistic piece tonight. This makes for a companion to Peter Boone and Simon Johnson's Doomsday cycle post from yesterday...With the private sector debt overhang as great as it is, I doubt there is a way out of our mess that does not involve a period of debt restructuring and writeoffs. That process, no matter how adeptly handled, results in dislocation and has a chilling effect on bystanders...Swedish Lex interestingly sees another possible brake that may become operative prior to another bubble/bust cycle. He believes that the EU has much less tolerance for underwriting zombie banks than the US. The EuroBanks have written off less in the way of losses than their US peers, are also exposed to any EU sovereign debt defaults, and yet the biggest are still crucial parts of the international capital markets infrastructure (and therefore still tightly coupled to the very biggest US/UK firms). While any EU sovereign debt defaults could morph into a full blown crisis, the EU responses to the joint sovereign/bank debt overhang could lead to more radical changes in EU banking rules and practices that could blow back to the very biggest US banks in unexpected ways.

gloomy; good reason; Martin Wolf; naked capitalism.

Calculated Risk Wed 2009-12-30 11:11 EST

Housing Leads the Economy, Existing Home Sales are Irrelevant

...Residential investment is the best leading indicator for the economy. Residential investment will not recover rapidly because of the large overhang of existing vacant housing units. Existing home sales are largely irrelevant for the economy. ...The key to reducing the overall inventory is new household formation (encouraging renters to become owners accomplishes nothing in reducing the overall housing inventory). And the key to new household formation is jobs. And usually the best leading indicator for jobs is residential investment.

Calculated Risk; economy; Existing-Home Sales; housing Lead; irrelevant.

naked capitalism Tue 2009-09-01 13:10 EDT

Twenty-Five Years to Work Off the Debt Overhang?

T. S. Eliot was right. Human beings cannot stand very much reality. As much as I have an appetite for bearish views (I figure the optimist case gets disproportionate air time), the headline of Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's latest piece, ``Our quarter-century penance is just starting,'' is grim even by the standards of the bearish faithful. Great comment by DownSouth, quoting Martin Luther King and Reinhold Niebuhr to the effect that by delegating to elites what should be the role of labor unions and grass-roots organizations. Niebuhr wrote: ``when collective power, whether in the form of imperialism or class domination, exploits weakness, it can never be dislodged unless power is raised against it'' ``Before we can fix the economy, the polity must be repaired first.''

debt overhang; naked capitalism; working; years.

Fri 2007-12-14 00:00 EST

naked capitalism: Mr. Minsky Moment Calls for Rate Cuts

"he best we have is palliatives. We can either take the losses, as the US has repeatedly told third world countries in similar fixes to ours, or we can go the Japan route of socializing the cost of propping up bad businesses and deals, or we can expand the money supply considerably and let inflation eat away at the value of the debt overhang." bearish UBS economist George Magnus calls for rate cuts

Mr. Minsky Moment Calls; naked capitalism; rate CUTS.