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Mon 2008-08-04 00:00 EDT

Is the U.S. Banking System Safe? - Seeking Alpha

Is the U.S. Banking System Safe? by James Quinn - Seeking Alpha; "The U.S. banking system is essentially insolvent. The Treasury, Federal Reserve, FASB, and Congress are colluding to keep the American public in the dark for as long as possible...When you see a bank CEO or a top government official tell you that everything is alright, run for the hills. They are lying."

Seeking Alpha; U.S. Banking System Safe.

Sat 2008-07-19 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Jim Grant: "Why No Outrage?"

comments pertaining to uninsured small business deposits and potential bank runs

Jim granting; naked capitalism; Outrage.

Thu 2008-07-17 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: An Illustration of Mortgage Servicing Run-Around

illustration; Mortgage Servicing Run; naked capitalism.

Wed 2008-07-09 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Wolfgang Munchau: Maybe the Economists Are to Blame After All

"policies to avoid recessions do more damage in the long run than letting slumps run their course."

blames; Economist; Maybe; naked capitalism; Wolfgang Munchau.

Tue 2008-07-08 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: "Eight hundred years of financial folly"

Carmen Reinhart, Kenneth Rogoff; long-run historical financial crises; major capital inflows are highly correlated with near-term debt crises; Yves: "we are in the same position as Thailand and Indonesia, circa 1996, except we have the reserve currency and nukes"

financial folly; naked capitalism; years.

Thu 2008-06-05 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Big Investors Running to Agriculture Plays

NYT reports big-money players buying farmland and grain elevators

Agriculture Plays; Big Investors Running; naked capitalism.

Fri 2008-05-30 00:00 EDT

Fear, Rumors Touched Off Fatal Run on Bear Stearns - WSJ.com

Fear, Rumors Touched Off Fatal Run on Bear Stearns, by Kate Kelly, WSJ.com

Bear Stearns; com; fatal run; fears; Rumors Touched; WSJ.

Sat 2008-05-24 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Commodities Spike: Vote of No Confidence in Central Bankers?

Steve Waldman; commodity price run-up due to loss of faith in monetrary authorities? large-scale repudiation of financial assets; "nd of a paradigm: large scale OTC markets, lightly regulated players and instruments, dollar as reserve currency, US as the most important global economic actors"

central bankers; Commodities Spike; Confidence; naked capitalism; voting.

Sat 2008-05-24 00:00 EDT

Interfluidity :: A run on central banks?

by Steve Randy Waldman; loss of confidence in central banks explains spiking commodity prices

central bank; Interfluidity; running.

Mon 2008-05-12 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Fannie Mae Gets Married

hedge funds running near riskless arbitrage diluting bank common stock holders

Fannie Mae; marry; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Sun 2008-05-04 00:00 EDT

A Special Report: The Right's America-Hating Preacher

by Robert Parry | The Smirking Chimp; Reverend Sun Myung Moon "has invested billions of dollars in financing the U.S. conservative movement and put fat wads of cash into the pockets of many prominent Republicans, including members of President George W. Bush's own family." Rev. Moon's lurid sex scandals, espionage, media empire, drug trafficking, gun-running

Right's America-Hating Preacher; special report.

Sat 2008-04-12 00:00 EDT

Hillary's Flimsy Case : Rolling Stone

Hillary's Flimsy Case, by Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone; Obama "running as a symbol of a new politics...But if it were to get out that he's not that...then he quickly morphs into a different kind of symbol, a symbol of how an essentially bankrupt political system can seamlessly repackage itself to a fed-up marketplace by making cosmetic changes, without altering its basic nature." "In American politics, always look for the worst possible scenario to emerge triumphant"

Hillary's Flimsy Case; Rolling Stone.

Fri 2008-03-21 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: "We may just have started to feel the pain"

Carmen Reinhart, Kenneth Rogoff; pdf link; Reinhert: we run our bank regulation like a banana republic's

feeling; just; naked capitalism; pain; start.

Sun 2007-11-25 00:00 EST

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Liquidity Pump Runs Dry

Fed moves irrelevant as banking system collapses; "Slashing rates to 1% was what created this mess. Cutting them to 1% again can hardly be the solution."

Liquidity Pump Runs Dry; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Sun 2007-09-23 00:00 EDT

FNM: Message Board for Fannie Mae - InvestorVillage

Fannie Mae - Goldmans Quasi-Monopoly Earnings Report - FNM - InvestorVillage; Goldman-Sachs alumni running government, regulatory agencies

Fannie Mae; FNM; InvestorVillage; messaging board.

Fri 2007-09-14 00:00 EDT

Calculated Risk: Northern Rock Bank Run

Calculated Risk; Northern Rock bank run.

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