dimelab dimelab: shrinking the gap between talk and action.

surrender Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Asia Times Online Sun 2009-09-13 10:25 EDT

THE BEAR'S LAIR : Possible October surprises

The inflation that might be expected in the United States from unprecedented expansionary monetary policies has failed to appear, while huge budget deficits have yet to produce higher interest rates. Far from being signs of a new economic paradigm, this merely means new bubbles are forming...Commodities and gold therefore are the destination of this year's hot money and are forming the new bubble...a fair-sized bubble has developed in the T-bond market...however...a modest resurgence in US inflation or difficulty in a long dated T-bond auction could cause confidence to flee the Treasury bond market and yields to leap uncontrollably upwards...the long-term costs of excessively cheap money are beginning to be seen in the US economy itself. By allowing money to remain so cheap for so long, and by running incessant payments deficits, the United States has surrendered the advantage of its superior long-established capital base, narrowing its capital cost advantage over emerging markets and exporting that capital to countries with less profligate approaches. Huge budget deficits, themselves worsening the trade deficit, merely export yet more US capital to the surplus nations. That makes it inevitable that the years ahead, in which the United States will no longer enjoy a capital advantage over its lower-wage competitors, will see highly unpleasant declines in US living standards.

Asia Times Online; BEAR'S LAIR; Possible October surprises.

Tue 2008-09-02 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: GDP Release Signals Further Decline into Banana Republic Status

overstating GDP, understating inflation; ``taking steps towards being a small-minded, elite-dominated, sham democracy...I wonder if there is some unconscious mass desire to give up on the messiness and ambiguity of an open society and surrender to the certainty of one with institutionalized inequality, more authoritarianism, but more predictability, and perhaps an illusion of greater security.''

Banana Republic Status; GDP Release Signals Further Decline; naked capitalism.

Mon 2008-02-11 00:00 EST

The Chicken Doves: Elected to end the war, Democrats have surrendered to Bush on Iraq | The Smirking Chimp

The Chicken Doves: Elected to end the war, Democrats have surrendered to Bush on Iraq, by Matt Taibbi; K Street astroturf "antiwar coalition" Americans Against the Escalation in Iraq, led by lobbyists Thomas Matzzie and Brad Woodhouse, DSCC consultants Hildebrand Tewes | The Smirking Chimp

Bush; Chicken Doves; Democratic; election; ending; Iraq; Smirking Chimp; surrender; war.