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America Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

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Thu 2008-01-24 00:00 EST

Tomgram: Chalmers Johnson, How to Sink America

"Military Keynesianism"; "morally obscene", "fiscally unsustainable" US military expenditures

Chalmers Johnson; Sink America; Tomgram.

Thu 2008-01-03 00:00 EST

"Snake oil salesman" would be too generous | Campaign for America's Future

"Snake oil salesman" would be too generous, by Rick Perlstein; Bush appointee James Glassman | Campaign for America's Future

America s future; campaign; generously; snake oil salesman.

Thu 2007-12-13 00:00 EST

Money Matters: G7 Dwarves Try To Increase Debts

by Elaine Meinel Supkis; Fed auction plan; saving system collapsed; "these tax cheats...will work with our government to continue the destruction of America"

G7 Dwarves Try; increasing debt; money matters.

Thu 2007-11-15 00:00 EST

PRINT THIS | Page Not Found

Money market funds at risk? Bank of America plans a $600 million cushion, by John Waggoner (USA Today); "breaking the buck"

Found; page; print.

Thu 2007-11-01 00:00 EDT


- The Handwriting is On the Wall: It's a Clinton-Obama Ticket in 08, by Bruce Dixon; "For Democratic and Republican wings of America's permanent ruling party, the all-important selection which precedes the election isn't about poll numbers, votes or the citizens that cast them. It's about winning the favor of military contractors, the banking and financial sectors and Big Oil. It's about reassuring insurance and pharmaceutical companies, cozying up to agribusiness, the cable and telecom monopolies, allaying the fears of chambers of commerce, and wooing Hollywood."

blackagendareport; com.

Wed 2007-10-31 00:00 EDT

Social Security Privatization in Latin America

by John Turner, AARP Public Policy Institute; 2005-03

Latin America; Social Security Privatization.

Mon 2007-10-15 00:00 EDT

The Legacy of Justice Thomas | Campaign for America's Future

by digby; "his inappropriate behavior woke up the nation to the issue of sexual harassment"

America s future; campaign; justice Thomas; legacy.

Tue 2007-09-25 00:00 EDT

When America Went Fascist - The Smirking Chimp

When America Went Fascist, by Chris Rowthorn; constitution gutted, nation as 'homeland'; detention camps under construction - The Smirking Chimp

America Went Fascist; Smirking Chimp.

Thu 2007-09-13 00:00 EDT

Thomas Palley >> Blog Archive >> The Fed and America's Distorted Expansion

Thomas Palley >> Blog Archive >> The Fed and America's Distorted Expansion; shallow, fragile expansion due to record trade deficits, manufacturing weakness

America's Distorted Expansion; blogs Archive; Fed; Thomas Palley.

Thu 2007-09-13 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Thomas Palley on "America's Distorted Expansion"

America's Distorted Expansion; naked capitalism; Thomas Palley.

Tue 2007-08-28 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: America: Banana Republic Watch

(2007-05-06); "taking steps towards being a small-minded, elite-dominated, sham democracy"; overstating employment; ministry of truth; overstating GDP by hedonic adjustment; birth/death adjustments to employment; "Banana Republic Indicators"

America; Banana Republic Watch; naked capitalism.

Sat 2007-08-25 00:00 EDT

Katrina: Slow As Molasses | Campaign for America's Future

Katrina: Slow As Molasses, by Digby; Karl Rove used Katrina to capture Louisiana for Republicans | Campaign for America's Future

America s future; campaign; Katrina; Molasses; Slow.

Wed 2007-08-22 00:00 EDT

Minneapolis conservatives lie about infrastructure | Campaign for America's Future

Minneapolis conservatives lie about infrastructure, by Rick Perlstein; minnesota bridge collapse | Campaign for America's Future

America s future; campaign; infrastructure; Minneapolis conservatives lie.

Mon 2007-07-30 00:00 EDT

Conservatives can't compete in the marketplace of ideas... | Campaign for America's Future

Conservatives can't compete in the marketplace of ideas..., by Rick Perlstein 2007-05-29; Michael Baroody; National Association of Manufacturers (NAM); John Birch Society | Campaign for America's Future

America s future; campaign; compete; conservative; idea; marketplace.

Mon 2007-07-16 00:00 EDT

Ship of fools: Johann Hari sets sail with America's swashbuckling neocons - Independent Online Edition > Americas

Ship of fools: Johann Hari sets sail with America's swashbuckling neocons - Independent Online Edition > Americas; National Review annual cruise

America; America's swashbuckling neocons; Fool; Independent Online Edition; Johann Hari sets sail; ships.

Mon 2007-07-16 00:00 EDT

Joe Bageant: Poor, White and Pissed

A Guide to the White Trash Planet for Urban Liberals; class in America; 2005-02-18

Joe Bageant; piss; Poor; White.

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