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American history Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

zero hedge Fri 2009-08-28 17:03 EDT

One Man's Critique Of A Loose Monetary Policy

It seems these days everyone is happy to blame Greenspan for creating the biggest housing/credit bubble in American history, yet few have the same problem when it comes to voicing their support of Ben Bernanke, who is repeating exactly the same monetary steps (mistakes) as performed by his predecessor. Proponents will say that this time the justification was to prevent a full financial systemic collapse, and the trillions of excess liquidity (an approach that even Greenspan did not embark on full bore) that drowned the capital markets were just what the doctor ordered. Whether that is true or not will be debated by historians who analyze the 2009 as the year when China, the US and the Eurozone let loose the most unprecedented monetary loosening in the history of...

loose monetary policy; Man's Critique; Zero Hedge.

Sat 2008-07-12 00:00 EDT

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> Take Downs and Drawing the Wrong Straw

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> Take Downs and Drawing the Wrong Straw: "the last six months of the Bush administration will mark one of the greatest periods of systematic looting in American history"

Draw; economic; Market; Take Downs; watch; winter; Wrong Straw.