dimelab dimelab: shrinking the gap between talk and action.

anonymous Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

anonymous industry insider (1); Anonymous Political Consultant John Brown (1); remain anonymous (1).

naked capitalism Thu 2010-05-13 18:21 EDT

An Analysis of the Thursday Meltdown

...Contrast the reports at the Times and the Wall Street Journal, that the officialdom is pouring through the records and is still puzzled after a full three days on the case, versus this analysis produced by a lone sell-side analyst (who sadly must remain anonymous) roughly 24 hours after the implosion...``...it was not a sudden, random surge of volume from a fat finger that overwhelmed the market. It was a steady onslaught of selling that pressured the market lower in order to catch up with the carnage taking place in the credit markets and the currency markets...this episode exposed structural flaws in how a trade is implemented (think orphaned algo orders) and it exposed the danger of leaving market making up to a network of entities with no mandate to ensure the smooth and orderly functioning of the market (think of the electronic market makers and high freqs who can pull bids instantaneously as opposed to a specialist on the floor who has a clearly defined mandate to provide liquidity).''

Analysis; naked capitalism; Thursday Meltdown.

Sun 2008-11-23 00:00 EST

Joe Bageant: Sarah Palin is the Future of Conservatism

by Anonymous Political Consultant John Brown; ``In a system, which is entering a period of semi-permanent crisis, to plant oneself or one's party in its political center is to make yourself responsible for a political system which is forever failing, losing legitimacy and eventually its right to rule. In the long run, the future will belong to whichever political force flies the boldest flags, stands credibly far enough from those who will be held accountable for our troubles, and curses the loudest at the coming darkness.''

Conservatism; future; Joe Bageant; Sarah Palin.

Tue 2007-12-04 00:00 EST

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Paulson's Plan Is Nothing But Lip Service

anonymous industry insider: "how are rate cuts going to help anything when what the system needs is "more balance sheet," and there's none to be found, and in fact credit continues to contract?"; plan will because underwater buyers should and will walk away

lip services; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; Paulson's Plan.