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just cut Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

home Depot just cutting prices (1).

Fabius Maximus Wed 2010-08-25 09:31 EDT

The face of America's decline

...Mark Hurd, until recently CEO of HP. See the face of America's economic decline...from ``The Real Reason for Ousting H.P.'s Chief``, Joe Nocera, New York Times: [according to] Charles House, a former longtime H.P. engineer: The way H.P. made its numbers...was not just cutting any old costs, but by ``chopping R.&D.,'' which had always been sacred at H.P. The research and development budget used to be 9% of revenue, Mr. House told me; now it was closer to 2%. ``In the personal computer group, it is 0.7%''...Here we see America's formula for decline... 1. Fantastic pay for leaders 2. Stagnant pay for employees 3. Cutting jobs (efficiencies, forcing harder work, moving off-shore) 4. Slash investments in the future (capex, training, R&D)...

America s decline; Fabius Maximus; Faces.



A nice follow-up here on our earlier piece. David Rosenberg has really nailed the macro picture in terms of inflation and deflation...why deflation remains the greater risk... * Credit is contracting. * Wage rates are stagnating. * Money supply growth is vanishing * The U.S. dollar is strong. * Commodities have peaked. * U.S. home prices are rolling over ... again. * Lumber prices tumbling (down nearly 17% from April 2010 highs) * Wal-Mart is cutting prices on 10,000 items. * Home Depot just cut prices on flowers, fertilizers, lawn equipment and outdoor furniture. * Taco Bell is offering two dollar combo meals. * The April U.S. retail sales report hinted at deflation in groceries, electronics, apparel and sporting goods.

11 reasons; deflation remains; greater risk; PRAGMATIC CAPITALISM.