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Wed 2008-05-28 00:00 EDT

The Institutional Risk Analyst: Fed Risk: Interview with Richard Alford

Fed Risk: Interview with Dick Alford; Institutional Risk Analytics; former fed economist Richard Alford argues Fed misread inflation for deflation, Fed fighting the wrong battles; "US population is not ready to hear that their real levels of income, assets prices and other indicia of national well being may be falling or relatively stagnant for the foreseeable future."

Fed Risks; Institutional Risk Analyst; interview; Richard Alford.

Tue 2008-05-13 00:00 EDT

FBI Targets Internet Archive With Secret 'National Security Letter', Loses | Threat Level from Wired.com

FBI Targets Internet Archive With Secret 'National Security Letter', Loses, by Ryan Singal | Threat Level from Wired.com; Internet Archive; Brewster Kahle; EFF defeats NSL; "time-honored tradition of librarians protecting the rights of their patrons"

com; FBI Targets Internet Archive; Lose; nation security letter; secret; Threat Level; Wired.

Tue 2008-05-13 00:00 EDT

RGE - The de facto nationalization of the global financial system

by Brad Setser; perhaps "the rise in inflation in the Gulf and China and the difficulties both are facing trying to sterilize the rapid growth in the foreign assets is an indicator that there is a small risk that the US also might end up being a bit too large for the emerging world to save"

de facto nationalization; global financial system; RGE.

Wed 2008-03-26 00:00 EDT

Barack Obama's Smart Speech "A More Perfect Union": Did It Reveal Him To Be Too Intellectual To Be President? | The Smirking Chimp

Barack Obama's Smart Speech "A More Perfect Union": Did It Reveal Him To Be Too Intellectual To Be President? by John Dean | The Smirking Chimp; "Republicans have spent the past half century dumbing-down the American presidency, for it has helped them win the White House"; "Anti-intellectual Republican presidents have led this nation into a new age of unreason"

Barack Obama's Smart Speech; intellectual; Perfect Union; President; revealed; Smirking Chimp.

Sun 2008-03-23 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Quiet Coup Towards Nationalization

central banks to buy mortgages?

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; nation; Quiet Coup.

Sat 2008-03-22 00:00 EDT

Daily Kos: State of the Nation

Mississippi Turning, by Meteor Blades (DailyKos); fighting Jim Crow; Freedom Summer recollections

Daily Kos; nation; state.

Thu 2008-02-14 00:00 EST

Apocalypse Now?

by Stephen Holmes (The Nation 2007-10-29); review of Chalmers Johnson's Nemisis; blowback


Mon 2008-01-07 00:00 EST

A Republic, If You Can Keep It - National Constitution Center

A Republic, If You Can Keep It, by Richard Beeman, National Constitution Center; Benjamin Franklin

keeping; National Constitution Center; Republic.

Mon 2008-01-07 00:00 EST

Money Matters: Mexican Truckers Still Allowed Into US

by Elaine Meinel Supkis; "All the world's currencies are 'misaligned' because monetarism is the new tool for DESTROYING OTHER NATION'S INDUSTRIAL POWERS!"

allowed; Mexican truckers; money matters.

Mon 2007-10-15 00:00 EDT

The Legacy of Justice Thomas | Campaign for America's Future

by digby; "his inappropriate behavior woke up the nation to the issue of sexual harassment"

America s future; campaign; justice Thomas; legacy.

Mon 2007-10-08 00:00 EDT

Adam Smith - An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations - The Adam Smith Institute

(Book Five, Of the Revenue of the Sovereign or Commonwealth. Chapter III, Of Public Debts; "In great empires the people who live in the capital, and in the provinces remote from the scene of action, feel, many of them, scarce any inconveniency from the war; but enjoy, at their ease, the amusement of reading in the newspapers the exploits of their own fleets and armies."

Adam Smith; Adam Smith Institute; caused; inquiry; nation; natural; wealth.

Mon 2007-10-08 00:00 EDT

A Q and A For The People Of A Forsaken Republic: Addressing the origins of the Who's-Your-Daddy Nation - The Smirking Chimp

A Q and A For The People Of A Forsaken Republic: Addressing the origins of the Who's-Your-Daddy Nation, by Phil Rockstroh - The Smirking Chimp

addresses; Daddy Nation; Forsaken Republic; originally; people; Q; s; Smirking Chimp.

Tue 2007-10-02 00:00 EDT

The Establishment Rethinks Globalization

by Willam Greider (The Nation 2007-04-30); Ralph Gomory "what established authorities teach Americans about global trade is simply wrong"

Establishment Rethinks Globalization.

Tue 2007-09-25 00:00 EDT

When America Went Fascist - The Smirking Chimp

When America Went Fascist, by Chris Rowthorn; constitution gutted, nation as 'homeland'; detention camps under construction - The Smirking Chimp

America Went Fascist; Smirking Chimp.

Sat 2007-08-25 00:00 EDT

Articles : Dual-purpose cattle give small acreage graziers access to two high profit markets

by Allan Nation, Stockman Grass Farmer; Vermont organic farmer Doug Flack

article; Dual-purpose cattle give small acreage graziers access; high profit markets.

Mon 2007-07-30 00:00 EDT

Conservatives can't compete in the marketplace of ideas... | Campaign for America's Future

Conservatives can't compete in the marketplace of ideas..., by Rick Perlstein 2007-05-29; Michael Baroody; National Association of Manufacturers (NAM); John Birch Society | Campaign for America's Future

America s future; campaign; compete; conservative; idea; marketplace.

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