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Sun 2008-06-29 00:00 EDT

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> eCONomIc SpLiT pErSonaLiTy and NeutEnron Bombs

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> eCONomIc SpLiT pErSonaLiTy and NeutEnron Bombs; "the Boyz looked at Enron as the model, spliced and diced it, and then calculated new and better scams under the guise of financial innovation (blessed by buffoons and sycophants like Alan Greenspan and Ben Beranake) and non-public markets (OTC and derivatives) in which to create even larger financial smoke and mirrors in which to loot."

economic; eCONomIc SpLiT pErSonaLiTy; Market; NeutEnron Bombs; watch; winter.

Fri 2008-06-27 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Is The Inflation Scare Over Yet?

"Destruction of credit via massive writedowns..., accompanied by sharply rising unemployment rates, falling wages, and curtailment in credit lines everywhere is simply not an inflationary environment"; "ery likely new all time lows in the 10-year treasury yield and 30-year long bond are coming up"

Inflation Scare; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Fri 2008-06-20 00:00 EDT

Walter Bagehot Was Wrong - June 19, 2008 - The New York Sun

Walter Bagehot Was Wrong, by James Grant - June 19, 2008 - The New York Sun; Jim Grant: structuring mortgages for central bank deposit in special liquidity facilities will result in a new cycle of currency debasement; Walter Bagehot versus Thomson Hankey on central banks, moral hazard, fairness, and ready money

2008; June 19; New York Sun; Walter Bagehot; wrong.

Tue 2008-06-17 00:00 EDT

The Institutional Risk Analyst: The Vigorish of OTC: Interview with Martin Mayer

The Vigorish of OTC: Interview with Martin Mayer; former DTCC CEO Jill Considine; Jerry Corrigan; Keating Five; "a lot of what is called innovative is simply a way to find new technology to do what has been forbidden with the old technology"; "Banks globally have been miserable failures when it comes to combining investment and commercial banking"

Institutional Risk Analyst; interview; Martin Mayer; OTC; Vigorish.

Tue 2008-06-10 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Fox Asks For More Authority Over Hen House

Federal Reserve Bank of New York President Timothy Geithner called for greater central bank authority; Mish's Fed uncertainty principle

authority; Fox asked; hen house; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Tue 2008-05-13 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: The New Imperialist: China to Buy Agricultural Land Abroad

Buy Agricultural Land Abroad; China; naked capitalism; New Imperialist.

Tue 2008-05-13 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Is the Commodities Boom Driven by Speculation?

commodities veterans distressed by recent market action; role of new cash and ETFs in commodities boom questioned; commodities industry analyst Michael Frankfurter examines financialization of commodities

Commodities Boom Driven; naked capitalism; Speculators.

Wed 2008-04-16 00:00 EDT

Asia Times Online :: Asian news and current affairs

The rise of the new energy world order, by Michael T. Klare; "the price of oil will dominate our lives and power will reside in the hands of those who control its global distribution"

Asia Times Online; Asian news; current affairs.

Sat 2008-04-12 00:00 EDT

Hillary's Flimsy Case : Rolling Stone

Hillary's Flimsy Case, by Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone; Obama "running as a symbol of a new politics...But if it were to get out that he's not that...then he quickly morphs into a different kind of symbol, a symbol of how an essentially bankrupt political system can seamlessly repackage itself to a fed-up marketplace by making cosmetic changes, without altering its basic nature." "In American politics, always look for the worst possible scenario to emerge triumphant"

Hillary's Flimsy Case; Rolling Stone.

Fri 2008-03-28 00:00 EDT

An inside look at a subprime lender's collapse - International Herald Tribune

An inside look at a subprime lender's collapse, by Vikas Bajaj; auditor KPMG condoned and enabled improper and imprudent practices at busted lender New Century Financial - International Herald Tribune

International Herald Tribune; looking; subprime lender's collapse.

Wed 2008-03-26 00:00 EDT

Barack Obama's Smart Speech "A More Perfect Union": Did It Reveal Him To Be Too Intellectual To Be President? | The Smirking Chimp

Barack Obama's Smart Speech "A More Perfect Union": Did It Reveal Him To Be Too Intellectual To Be President? by John Dean | The Smirking Chimp; "Republicans have spent the past half century dumbing-down the American presidency, for it has helped them win the White House"; "Anti-intellectual Republican presidents have led this nation into a new age of unreason"

Barack Obama's Smart Speech; intellectual; Perfect Union; President; revealed; Smirking Chimp.

Tue 2008-03-25 00:00 EDT

Institutional Risk Analytics

JP Morgan Rolls the Fed of New York (and BSC too), by The Institutional Risk Analyst

Institutional Risk Analytics.

Tue 2008-03-25 00:00 EDT

Statement on Financing Arrangement of JPMorgan Chase's Acquisition of Bear Stearns - Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Bear Stearns; Federal Reserve Bank; financing arrangement; JPMorgan Chase's Acquisition; New York; statement.

Tue 2008-03-25 00:00 EDT

Summary of Terms and Conditions Regarding the JPMorgan Chase Facility - Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Conditions; Federal Reserve Bank; JPMorgan Chase Facility; New York; Summary; term.

Tue 2008-03-11 00:00 EDT

The Current Financial Challenges: Policy and Regulatory Implications - Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Timothy Geithner, Remarks at the Council on Foreign Relations Corporate Conference 2008

current financial challenges; Federal Reserve Bank; New York; policies; Regulatory Implications.

Tue 2008-01-22 00:00 EST

Money Matters: The Lone Ranger's Silver Bullet Rate Cuts Saves Markets

by Elaine Meinel Supkis; "When Britain and France used the Long Depression to expand their empires, both Germany and the USA used this time frame to build rail roads, ports, navies, farms, factories and educational centers. As France and England denuded their home states to increase invasive military power that took in the raw resources of the world, their people got weaker and their incomes fell and they went hungry and in rags in slums or fled their homelands to the New Worlds."

Lone Ranger's Silver Bullet Rate Cuts Saves Markets; money matters.

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