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pie Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Apple Pie (2); apple pie items (1); pie holes (1); Shrinking Pie (1).

Sun 2010-02-28 13:39 EST

America's Future: My Baseline Scenario | Ian Welsh

1) employment is not going to recover to pre-great recession levels for at least a generation, maybe more, in terms of % of people employed. The late Clinton economy is the best you or I will see in our working lives. 2) Politics will continue to be dominated by monied interests and that dominance will increase, rather than decrease. They will use their power to fight over the shrinking pie, rather than to increase it, and will make any real systemic restructuring of the economy essentially impossible. 3) a right wing ``populist'' will get in after Obama. Since the only sort of stimulus they can do is war stimulus, they will pick a war with someone. Who, I'm not sure. In economic terms they will have all the wrong solutions to various real problems... Americans will put off cutting the military, I think, till they've gutted virtually everything else. I expect the military will probably win the fight against financial interests when the moment comes, though we'll see...

America s future; Baseline Scenario; Ian Welsh.

naked capitalism Mon 2009-12-21 16:36 EST

The China Decoupling Myth?

One of the motherhood and apple pie items in econ-land is that the world needs global rebalancing, which is code for China has to stop being a mercantilist and currency manipulator, and the US has to quit borrowing a ton and overconsuming (or underproducing, which is another way to frame the same problem). But once everyone agrees that that's a swell idea, no one seems particularly inclined to do anything about it, except complain about the consequences.One of the things that has led to somewhat less attention to this elephant in the room is the perception that China has ``decoupled.'' If it has managed to fare reasonably well in this global upheaval, then surely it is becoming more self sufficient and therefore less dependent on US demand, so the situation is already righting itself, correct? Wrong, says Dror Poleg...

China Decoupling Myth; naked capitalism.

Sun 2009-10-11 18:48 EDT

The Ongoing Plight of the U.S. "Nightcrawler" - Part 2 | zero hedge

We're just as scroomed as we were a year ago--skying stock markets and gold-hating trolls posting "Gold isn't money" notwithstanding. There is absolutey ZERO chance that the Fed raises their Fed Funds Politburo rates, and a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CERTAINTY that both the Fed and Uncle Sugar MUST continue their monetizations, back stops and being the "lenders, insurers, and market of last resort" for all things credit, but especially the McHousing market where they have multi-trillion fiatsco exposure. So, it is little wonder that the U.S. fiatsco is getting pounded in the currency casino and that people are piling into PMs in droves--even going so far as to DEMAND physical delivery from the corrupt exchanges, even as the jawboning and pie-holing by the Fed Heads and Treasury twerps continues unabated. Because we are still very much in the midst of the "convulsions" of collapse AND the massive monetary and fiscal insanity the Fed and Uncle are undertaking to fight them.

nightcrawlers; Ongoing Plight; Part 2; U.S.; Zero Hedge.

Mon 2008-05-05 00:00 EDT

Interfluidity :: Liquidity isn't apple pie

illiquidity equals commitment; excess liquidity inhibits risk pricing

Apple Pie; Interfluidity; liquidity.