dimelab dimelab: shrinking the gap between talk and action.

fighting Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

cat fight (1); Citigroup Fight (1); expensive anti-inflation fight (1); Feds fight (1); fight inflation (1); fight questionable foreclosures (1); Fighting Climate Change (1); fighting deflation (1); fighting Jim Crow (1); INFLATE fight (2); involuntary fight (1); largest derivative dealers fighting efforts (1); stop fighting (1).

Fri 2010-10-08 21:34 EDT

Improper GMAC Affidavits Leading to Charges of Document Fabrication to Change Title >> naked capitalism

...the web emanating from the GMAC affidavit improprieties extend much further than most may realize. Although GMAC continues to maintain that having its ``robot signor'' officers like Jeffrey Stephan provide affidavits on matters they know nothing about is a mere technical problem that they can remedy. In fact, an affidavit is a statement of someone with personal knowledge of a matter. Stephan signed as many as 10,000 documents a month and clearly could not have personal knowledge of the underlying situations. Deliberately preparing and submitting inaccurate documents in a legal proceeding is a fraud on the court...So as much as GMAC and its fellow servicers no doubt hope there little document mess will fade from public view, attorneys are using it as a new weapon to fight questionable foreclosures or force servicers to negotiate principal mods...

CHANGING TITLES; charges; Document Fabrication; Improper GMAC Affidavits Leading; naked capitalism.



In all likelihood, China has entered the most critical and taxing period since the country was reopened to the outside world in the 1970s. Domestically, there are a slew of issues, any one of which could create instability...Few can know the full story of what goes on within the State Council, but there appears to be a battle royal being fought over the real estate sector. There are those within the leadership who are concerned that average home prices have gotten too high for most first-time buyers (see our previous visit report). They want to see average prices fall by 10-20% across the country. Against this group are not just real estate developers but local governments and many others within Beijing...In effect, what is being seen is a battle between central and local governments. In our view, this is a fight that central government cannot afford to lose...against a background of cheap money and plenty of credit, house prices across the country have become unaffordable to most first-time buyers...if these price developments continued unchecked the leadership would risk encountering social instability...we doubt there will be any easing of policy until average house prices fall into the 10-20% range. China is transiting into a very difficult period as focus shifts towards sustainable domestic growth and away from short-term measures to defend the 8% GDP mantra. This transition is occurring when the existing leadership is preparing to give way to the new set in 2012, when social stability could be threatened if there are policy mistakes...


Sat 2010-07-24 16:14 EDT

Krugman versus Ferguson: Round Two -- Telegraph Blogs

Not since Ken Rogoff's famous attack on Joe Stiglitz has the dismal science of economics provoked such pompous, self-important, personalised squabbling. Professors Paul Krugman and Niall Ferguson, of course, have form; they've been at it on and off for nearly a year now over the efficacy of deficit spending in fighting the downturn, and today they return to the fray...

Krugman versus Ferguson; Telegraph Blogs.

Thu 2010-07-22 10:39 EDT

A Dual Mandate for the Federal Reserve, The Pursuit of Price Stability and Full Employment

Federal Reserve currently has two legislated goals--price stability and full employment--but a debate continues about making price stability the Fed's primary and overriding goal. Evidence from the recent history of monetary policy contradicts arguments in favor of assigning primacy to inflation fighting and supports giving full employment equal importance. Economic performance under the dual mandate has been excellent, with low unemployment and low inflation, while many European countries whose central banks focus solely on inflation are experiencing double-digit unemployment. The costs of unemployment are high, but the costs of even moderate inflation are estimated to be low. Central bankers, who tend to be inflation-averse, need to be prodded to consider goals other than inflation. And, if the Fed pursues price stability exclusively, the price level is not free to increase in the event of an adverse supply shock to prevent large increases in unemployment. A dual mandate allows the Fed to focus on one goal or the other as conditions demand and to balance policy effects.

dual mandate; Federal Reserve; full employment; priced stabilize; pursuit.

Mon 2010-07-19 16:30 EDT

US gripped with offshore economy

Jobs are becoming scarcer and scarcer particularly in the United States. Is it cyclical or is it structural? Is it something that America has completely turned its back on in a way that could potentially be a factor for decades going forward? Max Keiser discusses this issue with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts...Keiser: Andy Grove, the co-founder of Intel has just written an opinion piece for Bloomberg that has totally vindicated your long held argument against outsourcing American jobs...What is left in the arsenal to fight for jobs? Roberts:Nothing, one of the reasons they like offshoring is to destroy the unions so that's one of the reasons free market economists and corporations are so keen on offshoring, it destroys the unions...the only jobs that have been created in the 21st century in America are domestic service jobs like waiters, bartenders, hospital orderlies, construction workers, real estate, they are continuing to lose manufacture jobs, and not creating jobs for scientists and engineers and this has now been going on for a decade...What the US is going through is a process of disdevelopment of becoming an undeveloped economy; it's the opposite of economic development going on in the US...

grip; Offshored Economy.

billy blog Mon 2010-06-07 19:00 EDT

Central bank independence -- another faux agenda

There are several strands to the mainstream neo-liberal attack on government macroeconomic policy activism. They get recycled regularly. ...Today, I am looking at another faux agenda -- the demand that central banks should be independent of the political process...The agenda is also tied in with the growing demand for fiscal rules which will further undermine public purpose in policy...I find it ironical that the freedom mongers have very limited appreciation of what freedom actually is. Allowing the unemployed to be ``bullied'' by amorphous bond markets is not a path to freedom...inflation targeting countries have failed to achieve superior outcomes in terms of output growth, inflation variability and output variability; moreover there is no evidence that inflation targeting has reduced inflation persistence...Central banks operating under this charter have forced the unemployed to engage in an involuntary fight against inflation and the fiscal authorities have further worsened the situation with complementary austerity...The conclusion that I have reached from studying this specific literature for many years is that there is no robust relationship between making the central bank independent and the performance of inflation...From a MMT perspective, the concept of CBI is anathema to the goal of aggregate policy (monetary and fiscal) to advance public purpose. By obsessing about inflation control, central banking has lost sight of what the purpose of policy is about...under the CBI ideology, monetary policy is not focused on advancing public purpose. Fighting inflation with unemployment is not advancing public purpose. The costs of inflation are much lower than the costs of unemployment. The mainstream fudge this by invoking their belief in the NAIRU which assumes these real sacrifices away in the ``long-run''...

Billy Blog; Central bank independence; faux agenda.

zero hedge Fri 2010-05-21 13:45 EDT

"If The US Can Do It, So Can We": Japan To Keep Pumping Cash And Monetizing Debt Until Deflation Goes Away

And with that Japan joins the competitive devaluation currency race...Speaking before lawmakers BOJ governor Masaaki Shirakawa, who recently said Japan was powerless to fight deflation on its own, has changed his tune, and today said that Japan will print the kitchen sink if it has to to beat "stubborn deflation."...Shirakawa noted that monetization is happily chugging along: "We are buying JGBs in order to inject ample funds into financial markets in a stable manner and we are buying Y21.6 trillion of JGBs annually" and he made it clear that adjusting for scale differences, the Japanese monetization program is three times faster than the Fed's Treasury QE...

Deflation Goes Away; Japan; Keep Pumping Cash; Monetize Debt; Zero Hedge.

Sun 2010-02-28 13:39 EST

America's Future: My Baseline Scenario | Ian Welsh

1) employment is not going to recover to pre-great recession levels for at least a generation, maybe more, in terms of % of people employed. The late Clinton economy is the best you or I will see in our working lives. 2) Politics will continue to be dominated by monied interests and that dominance will increase, rather than decrease. They will use their power to fight over the shrinking pie, rather than to increase it, and will make any real systemic restructuring of the economy essentially impossible. 3) a right wing ``populist'' will get in after Obama. Since the only sort of stimulus they can do is war stimulus, they will pick a war with someone. Who, I'm not sure. In economic terms they will have all the wrong solutions to various real problems... Americans will put off cutting the military, I think, till they've gutted virtually everything else. I expect the military will probably win the fight against financial interests when the moment comes, though we'll see...

America s future; Baseline Scenario; Ian Welsh.

Wed 2009-12-16 15:37 EST

AlterNet: Are Americans a Broken People? Why We've Stopped Fighting Back Against the Forces of Oppression

Can people become so broken that truths of how they are being screwed do not "set them free" but instead further demoralize them? Has such a demoralization happened in the United States?

AlterNet; American; Broken People; forced; oppressive; stop fighting.

Jesse's Café Américain Tue 2009-12-01 22:19 EST

Mark Pittman, Investigative Journalist

Mark Pittman, the award-winning investigative reporter whose fight to open the Federal Reserve to more scrutiny led Bloomberg News to sue the central bank and win, died Nov. 25 in Yonkers, New York. He was 52. ...``He was one of the great financial journalists of our time,'' said Joseph Stiglitz, a professor at Columbia University in New York and the winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize for economics. ``His death is shocking.''

investigation journalist; Jesse's Café Américain; Mark Pittman.

zero hedge Thu 2009-11-19 10:36 EST

Bob (Janjuah) Is Back... And He Is Pissed

Near term I think the battle will be between Central Bankers, who deep down, and I think privately at least, FEAR bubbles, FEAR failure and FEAR FORCED abandonment if current policies are persisted with too long and/or added to, vs Fiscal Authorities, who by definition want short-term fixes (there is after all an election cycle in the UK & in the US next yr). This is like a rumble in the jungle between the VOLCKER-ites and the GREENSPAN-ites, with GREENSPAN representing the Fiscal Authorities (he was after all surely the most politicised central banker ever). Are the Volcker-ites up to a fight? I think so. I hope so. Kevin feels and I FEAR however that they aren't/they won't. In which case MORE policy and then, very soon thereafter DISASTER, will follow. In this rumble the inevitable outcome is deflation and multi-yr austerity.

Bob; Janjuah; piss; Zero Hedge.

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis Tue 2009-11-03 20:30 EST

Is Debt-Deflation Just Beginning?

You should not be afraid of deflation. You should be afraid of policies attempting to fight it. Deflation (rather price deflation) is actually the natural state of affairs. As productivity increases, more goods and services are produced relative to the population and prices would therefore be expected to drop. It is the Fed, along with misguided Keynesian and Monetarist economists who think falling prices are a bad thing. Who amongst us does not like falling prices (except of course on things we own like houses, but even then who is not sick of higher property taxes that result)? The reality is inflation benefits those with first access to money. Guess who that is? The answer is easy: banks, government, and the already wealthy. Inflation is actually a tax on the middle class and the poor who get access to money last. During the housing bubble, by the time the poor could get access to to money easily, it was far too late to buy. Given that inflation benefits those with first access to money, any targeted inflation at all is morally wrong.

Debt-Deflation Just Beginning; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Sun 2009-10-11 18:48 EDT

The Ongoing Plight of the U.S. "Nightcrawler" - Part 2 | zero hedge

We're just as scroomed as we were a year ago--skying stock markets and gold-hating trolls posting "Gold isn't money" notwithstanding. There is absolutey ZERO chance that the Fed raises their Fed Funds Politburo rates, and a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CERTAINTY that both the Fed and Uncle Sugar MUST continue their monetizations, back stops and being the "lenders, insurers, and market of last resort" for all things credit, but especially the McHousing market where they have multi-trillion fiatsco exposure. So, it is little wonder that the U.S. fiatsco is getting pounded in the currency casino and that people are piling into PMs in droves--even going so far as to DEMAND physical delivery from the corrupt exchanges, even as the jawboning and pie-holing by the Fed Heads and Treasury twerps continues unabated. Because we are still very much in the midst of the "convulsions" of collapse AND the massive monetary and fiscal insanity the Fed and Uncle are undertaking to fight them.

nightcrawlers; Ongoing Plight; Part 2; U.S.; Zero Hedge.

naked capitalism Sun 2009-09-20 09:48 EDT

Guest Post: ``Assessing the Recent Performance of the Fed''

...the current Fed: 1) actively promoted the asset bubbles which precipitated the most costly business downturn since the Great depression; 2) passively sat by ignoring its regulatory and supervisory responsibilities allowing the growth of imbalances that led to the worst business downturn since the Great depression...the economic and financial imbalances that built up between 2000 and 2007 will generate the opportunity costs in terms of lost output and idle and misallocated resources that will exceed the costs inherent in the economic and financial imbalances reflected in the most expensive anti-inflation fight ever fought by the Fed (1980-1983). The US financial system remains on life support. Furthermore, the Fed has played a part in allocating credit and in engineering redistributions of wealth on a scale that is likely to on the same scale as the redistribution of wealth from the household sector to government during the inflation ridden 1970s. The independence of the Fed has been compromised. Many in the Congress want to audit the Fed and limit its ability to make loans in future emergencies. The Fed is seen by many as an agency of the Treasury.

assessment; Fed; Guest Post; naked capitalism; recent perform.

naked capitalism Thu 2009-08-27 10:50 EDT

Quelle Surprise! Fed Uses Scare Tactics to Try to Forestall Loan Disclosures

In a show of how much our government thinks that serving the financial oligarchy, rather than the citizenry, is its prime duty, the Fed is fighting to stop the court-ordered disclosure of who borrowed money under the Fed's various lending facilities. The reason I lump the Fed in with "the government" is that the central bank has been serving as an off-balance sheet entity of the Treasury for quite some time. And not only are the Fed and Treasury acting in near lockstep, but there has been no meaningful change in the government stance towards the banksters. Yes, Team Obama makes more of a show of trying to rein them in, but push comes to shove, it's merely Paulson version 2.0: same content, better packaging. Paulson's success in muscling...

Fed Uses Scare Tactics; Forestall Loan Disclosures; naked capitalism; Quelle Surprise; trying.

ClubOrlov Wed 2009-08-26 15:35 EDT

Bullets from the Drug War

The US has lost the "War on Drugs" The losing side is usually not the one to decide when a fight is over or how it ends Unlike other recent defeats, this lost war is a defeat followed by an invasion Mexico is the natural staging area for the invasion (inconvenient though it is for the Mexicans)New franchises are being set up to service the North American drug market (which is the biggest in the world) The CIA has to eat, and all they know how to do competently is run guns and drugs and control thugs; they get a seat at the table The narcs have to eat too, and all they are trained to do is deal (with) drugs; they get a seat at the table tooAs...

bullets; ClubOrlov; Drug War.

ClubOrlov Wed 2009-08-26 14:22 EDT

That Bastion of American Socialism...the United States military

Over the past few months the American mainstream chatter has experienced a sudden spike in the gratuitous use of the term "Socialist." It was prompted by the attempts of the federal government to resuscitate insolvent financial institutions. These attempts included offers of guarantees to their clients, injections of large sums of borrowed public money, and granting them access to almost-free credit that was magically summoned ex nihilo by the Federal Reserve. To some observers, these attempts looked like an emergency nationalization of the finance sector was underway, prompting them to cry "Socialism!" Their cries were not as strident as one would expect, bereft of the usual disdain that normally accompanies the use of this term. Rather, it was proffered with a wan smile, because the commentators could find nothing... ``Since the end of the Civil War, Americans have become accustomed to thinking of war as something that happens elsewhere, to other people. Thus, the news that the US is bombing this or that land, for no adequate reason, killing and maiming numerous civilians, produces in us neither the normal human reaction of revulsion, nausea and disgust, nor the conviction that we must take the fight to our own monstrous leaders, lest we too become monsters. Life under domestic military occupation might bring home some welcome realizations, and start Americans down the long road of atoning for the sins of their forefathers, who have run roughshod over much of the rest of the planet for far too long.''

American social; bastion; ClubOrlov; United States military.

The IRA Analyst Thu 2009-07-30 00:00 EDT

The Institutional Risk Analyst: Kabuki on the Potomac: Reforming Credit Default Swaps and OTC Derivatives

-- he Masters of the Universe who run the largest Wall Street firms of have learned not a thing when it comes to credit default swaps ("CDS") and other types of high-risk financial engineering. Indeed, not only are the largest derivative dealers fighting efforts to reform the CDS and other derivative instruments that caused the AIG fiasco, but regulators like the Federal Reserve Board and US Treasury are working with the banks to ensure that a small group of dealers increase their monopoly over the business of over-the-counter ("OTC") derivatives.''

Institutional Risk Analyst; IRA Analyst; Kabuki; OTC derivative; Potomac; Reforming Credit Default Swaps.

Mon 2009-01-19 00:00 EST

The Mess That Greenspan Made: A cat fight at the Fed

Philly Fed President Charles Plosser has broken ranks with Fed Chief Ben Bernanke

cat fight; Fed; Greenspan Made; Mess.

Tue 2008-10-07 00:00 EDT

Angry Bear: Class War; Appropriateness of the Wealthy's strategy

``the Wealthy are irrational in their strategy in fighting the War of Class and are in fact losing the war for everyone.''

Angry Bear; appropriate; Class War; Wealthy's strategy.

Sun 2008-08-10 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Fight the Fed, Don't Fight the Fed, Baby

The Fed's broken lever; by Scott Frew; sorcerer's apprentice Greenspan turned shadow banking system to "unstoppable monster"; indispensable chronicler Prudent Bear Doug Noland

baby; Fed; fighting; naked capitalism.

Thu 2008-07-03 00:00 EDT

The Necessary War by William S. Lind

The Necessary War, by William S. Lind; reviews Pat Buchanan's "Churchill, Hitler, and the Unecessary War"; demolishing Churchill; "n both World Wars, the U.S. came out a winner because it left most of the fighting to others." "Debunking comic-book history and replacing it with the real thing is vital if America is to avoid the dual trap of cultural Marxism and Brave New World."

necessary war; William S. Lind.

Wed 2008-05-28 00:00 EDT

The Institutional Risk Analyst: Fed Risk: Interview with Richard Alford

Fed Risk: Interview with Dick Alford; Institutional Risk Analytics; former fed economist Richard Alford argues Fed misread inflation for deflation, Fed fighting the wrong battles; "US population is not ready to hear that their real levels of income, assets prices and other indicia of national well being may be falling or relatively stagnant for the foreseeable future."

Fed Risks; Institutional Risk Analyst; interview; Richard Alford.

Thu 2008-04-17 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Why Companies Aren't Fighting Climate Change

energy conservation yields big returns

company; Fighting Climate Change; naked capitalism.

Sat 2008-03-22 00:00 EDT

Daily Kos: State of the Nation

Mississippi Turning, by Meteor Blades (DailyKos); fighting Jim Crow; Freedom Summer recollections

Daily Kos; nation; state.

Tue 2007-11-06 00:00 EST

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Citigroup Fighting For Its Financial Life

Citigroup Fight; financial life; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.