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prosecute Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

actively prosecute (1); criminal prosecution (1); eventually prosecuted (1).

Jesse's Café Américain Wed 2010-04-07 19:06 EDT

Banks Come Back For Another Bailout in Ireland While the US 'Manages Perceptions'

The whole notion of bank bailouts is a tremendous injustice when not accompanied by personal bankruptcy and civil and criminal prosecution for those banks managers who created them and are found guilty of fraud. In addition, the owners of the banks, whether through debt or shares, should be wiped out and the bank placed in a proper receivership while its books are sorted out. The US is an accounting mirage. The notion that it will make money from its stake in Citi is a sleight of hand. The enormous subsidies to the banks both in terms of direct payments, indirect payments through entities like AIG, and subsidies such as the erosion of the currency and the deterioration of the real economy, will never be repaid. ...the facts seem to indicate that the US is still pursuing a policy of managed perceptions, accounting deceptions, and old fashioned insider dealing and other forms of corruption that always accompany government, but reach a feverish pitch in times of crisis. It is the establishment's form of looting.

Bailout; banking comes; Ireland; Jesse's Café Américain; managing perception.

Jesse's Café Américain Sat 2009-10-10 13:07 EDT

Why the Feds Seized the Gold in 1933

...The Feds acted on gold because at the time it WAS the currency of the country, and the government had some proper claims on it. When the US left the gold standard it relinquished all such claims, as gold became purely private property. Except perhaps if you are holding gold American eagles, which bear the patina of 'currency.' It should also be noted that the sole action of the government was to ask for the gold, to withdraw convertibility of gold notes from the domestic public, and to monitor the activity of safe deposit boxes taking certain categories of gold, and essentially nothing else. There were no investigations, searches, or even active prosecutions for non-compliance. The purpose of the confiscation was to prepare the way for a formal devaluation of the dollar while it was still on the gold standard.

1933; Feds seize; gold; Jesse's Café Américain.

Jesse's Café Américain Sun 2009-09-13 10:32 EDT

Barrick Capitulates

Barrick and their partner J.P. Morgan were the target of lawsuits by the gold bulls, most notably Blanchard and Company, for price manipulation through the use of their forward sales in their hedge book. Barrick's original defense was reported to be that they were acting in conjunction with J. P. Morgan and the central banks to cap the price of gold, and were therefore immune from prosecution since the central banks are immune from prosecution. Gold market manipulations.

Barrick Capitulates; Jesse's Café Américain.

zero hedge Fri 2009-08-28 17:15 EDT

The Oil-Gas Six Sigma Dislocation

The CFTC has earned its stripes by allowing speculators to take the oil to natty relationship to unprecedented arb levels. Represented in energy content equivalents, where oil traditionally has been in the 6x-12x range for gas, the most recent reading is 26.36! This is, as the chart indicates, your six sigma event for the day. A long NG1 - short CL1 arb may take some abuse but absent Amaranth coming out of somewhere (and even they were eventually prosecuted), this relationship should collapse to some semblance of normalcy. Although in this bizarro market it is guaranteed to do the opposite of what any fundamental or technical relationships dictate.

Oil gas; Sigma Dislocation; Zero Hedge.

Fri 2009-05-08 00:00 EDT

Rebuttal To Mish: FRL - The Market Ticker

fractional reserve lending defended against claim of fraudulence; ``So long as the bank never lends out more unsecured than it has in excess capital, there has been no fraud. The instant the bank does so, it has committed fraud.'' ``Our failure is regulatory. It is against the law to commit fraud and yet we have refused to prosecute those who have claimed to be solvent when they are not. ''

FRL; Market Ticker; Mish; Rebuttal.