dimelab dimelab: shrinking the gap between talk and action.

ain Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

ain't (6); ain't seen (1); ain't true (1); zombie dance party ain't (1).



I am saddened to say that John Hussman is worried about inflation and default in the USA. I guess the inflationistas and defaultiastas have made a substantial mid-season pick-up. Unfortunately, however, Mr. Hussman makes all the same claims that have driven these worrywarts astray for so many years. Specifically, Mr. Hussman is now discussing the inevitable ``collapse'' of the U.S. dollar due to Quantitative Easing...There is substantial historical evidence showing that QE is nothing more than an asset swap and has little to no impact on the real economy, inflation rates or currencies. Japan is again the best historical precedent...there is a long-term threat of inflation or that we have attempted to paper over many of our mistakes, however, there is very strong evidence showing that QE will not be the cause of a collapse in the dollar...

ain't; John; PRAGMATIC CAPITALISM; says.

The IRA Analyst Tue 2009-06-16 00:00 EDT

The Institutional Risk Analyst: Zombie Update; Pento on Bernanke's Permanently Expanded Balance Sheet

``This zombie dance party ain't over. No sir.'' Michael Pento: ``Bernanke will be hard-pressed to substantially raise rates to combat inflation once consumer and wholesale prices begin to significantly increase.''

Bernanke's Permanently Expanded Balance Sheet; Institutional Risk Analyst; IRA Analyst; Pento; Zombie Update.

Fri 2008-03-21 00:00 EDT

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> The Lender of Only Resort

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> The Lender of Only Resort; "the financial sphere will be rapidly downsized, large layoffs spun as bullish, and power and capital more intensely concentrated...if you thought financial markets were rigged and manipulated before, you ain't seen nothing yet."

economic; lender; Market; resort; watch; winter.

Mon 2007-10-08 00:00 EDT

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> We Ain't Got No Stinkin' Inflation

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> We Ain't Got No Stinkin' Inflation (many links)

ain't; economic; Inflation; Market; stinkin; watch; winter.

Tue 2007-08-28 00:00 EDT

Hussman Funds - Weekly Market Comment: August 27, 2007 - Knowing What Ain't True

"Since 1999, the stock market has essentially gone nowhere in an interesting way, compared with risk-free Treasury bills." "One can go some distance in a mine field without anything blowing up it's just that the overall odds aren't good"

2007; ain't true; August 27; Hussman Funds; know; weekly market comments.