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regulatory reform Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

real regulatory reform (1); Regulatory Reform Idea (1); systematically gutting regulatory reform (1); U.S. Treasury Regulatory Reform Proposals (1).

Wed 2009-12-16 12:40 EST

Obama's Big Sellout : Rolling Stone

What's taken place in the year since Obama won the presidency has turned out to be one of the most dramatic political about-faces in our history. Elected in the midst of a crushing economic crisis brought on by a decade of orgiastic deregulation and unchecked greed, Obama had a clear mandate to rein in Wall Street and remake the entire structure of the American economy. What he did instead was ship even his most marginally progressive campaign advisers off to various bureaucratic Siberias, while packing the key economic positions in his White House with the very people who caused the crisis in the first place. This new team of bubble-fattened ex-bankers and laissez-faire intellectuals then proceeded to sell us all out, instituting a massive, trickle-up bailout and systematically gutting regulatory reform from the inside...

Obama's Big Sellout; Rolling Stone.

Credit Writedowns Mon 2009-10-26 09:20 EDT

Warren: The middle class ``became the turkey at the thanksgiving dinner"

Below is a YouTube clip featuring Elizabeth Warren, the chair of Congress' oversight panel of TARP (the Troubled Asset relief Program), the bailout started by Hank Paulson and passed by Congress. In it she talks about her fears regarding the lack of real regulatory reform in the world of finance and how this is setting [...]

became; credit writedowns; middle class; Thanksgiving dinner; Turkey; Warren.

The Big Picture Sun 2009-10-11 16:08 EDT

Kaptur & Johnson on Bill Moyers

Former International Monetary Fund chief economist Simon Johnson and US Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) report on the state of the economy... MARCY KAPTUR: Think about what these banks have done. They have taken very imprudent behavior, irresponsible. They have really gambled, all right? And in many cases, been involved in fraudulent activity. And then when they lost, they shifted their losses to the taxpayer. So, if you look at an instrumentality like the F.H.A., the Federal Housing Administration. They used to insure one of every 50 mortgages in the country. Now it's one out of four. MARCY KAPTUR: Because what they're doing is they're taking their mistakes and they're dumping them on the taxpayer. So, you and I, and the long term debt of our country and our children and grandchildren. It's all at risk because of their behavior. We aren't reigning them in. The laws of Congress passed last year in terms of housing, were hollow. ... SIMON JOHNSON: And Rahm Emanuel, the President's Chief of Staff has a saying. He's widely known for saying, `Never let a good crisis go to waste'. Well, the crisis is over, Bill. The crisis in the financial sector, not for people who own homes, but the crisis for the big banks is substantially over. And it was completely wasted. The Administration refused to break the power of the big banks, when they had the opportunity, earlier this year. And the regulatory reforms they are now pursuing will turn out to be, in my opinion, and I do follow this day to day, you know. These reforms will turn out to be essentially meaningless.

Big Picture; Bill Moyers; Johnson; Kaptur.

Thu 2008-06-05 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Regulatory Reform Idea: Raise the Minders' Compensation

compensation; minders; naked capitalism; raised; Regulatory Reform Idea.

Tue 2008-04-01 00:00 EDT

Financial Meltdown: U.S. Treasury Regulatory Reform Proposals: Hapless, Helpless, Hopeless

by Richard C. Cook, Global Research

financial meltdown; hapless; helpless; hopelessly; U.S. Treasury Regulatory Reform Proposals.