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Revisited Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Basics Revisited (2); Henry Liu revisits (1); Nationalization Revisited (1); Quant Bloodbath Revisited (1); Real-Estate Issue Revisited (1).

New Deal 2.0 Mon 2010-07-12 16:51 EDT

The Unlearned Lesson of the 1987 Crash

Henry Liu revisits the stock market crash of 1987 to dispel free market fundamentalism and the neo-conservative lust for deregulation...The Federal Reserve's actions under Greenspan in 1987 led market participants to conclude that the Fed would emphasize domestic market objectives with accommodative monetary stance, if necessary at the cost of a further decline in the dollar. By year-end, the dollar's value had fallen 21% against the yen and 14% against the mark from its levels at the time of the Louvre Accord while Greenspan, the wizard of bubble-land, was on his way to being hailed as the greatest central banker in history. Two decades later, by 2007, the Greenspan put was called by the market and trillions of dollars were lost.

0; 1987 crash; new dealing 2; unlearned lessons.

zero hedge Tue 2009-09-01 20:16 EDT

Guest Post: The "Other" Real-Estate Issue Revisited

Submitted by Contrary Investor The ``Other'' Real Estate Issue - Revisited... ...CRE will continue to be a problem child issue for some time to come...relative to prior historical CRE reconciliatory cycles, we're just getting started.

Guest Post; Real-Estate Issue Revisited; Zero Hedge.

Fri 2009-03-20 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Nationalization Revisited

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; Nationalization Revisited.

Fri 2009-02-13 00:00 EST

naked capitalism: Soros Gives Thumbs Down to TARP 1.0, Revisited, "Aggregator Bank"

0; aggregator bank; naked capitalism; Revisited; Soros Gives Thumbs; TARP 1.

Wed 2008-05-21 00:00 EDT

Angry Bear: Social Security Zero: the Basics Revisited & Three Myths

Angry Bear: Social Security Zero: the Basics Revisited & Three Myths

Angry Bear; Basics Revisited; myth; Social Security Zero.

Mon 2007-08-13 00:00 EDT


Quant Bloodbath Revisited, A Primer: Lehman Brothers Stategist Becomes The Sage of The Subprime Contagion Theory, by John Carney ()

com; Dealbreaker.