dimelab dimelab: shrinking the gap between talk and action.

1987 Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

1987 crash (4); 1987 crash driven (1); 1987 led market participants (1); 1987 stock market crash (1); 1987 Style Sudden Drop (1).

New Deal 2.0 Mon 2010-07-12 16:51 EDT

The Unlearned Lesson of the 1987 Crash

Henry Liu revisits the stock market crash of 1987 to dispel free market fundamentalism and the neo-conservative lust for deregulation...The Federal Reserve's actions under Greenspan in 1987 led market participants to conclude that the Fed would emphasize domestic market objectives with accommodative monetary stance, if necessary at the cost of a further decline in the dollar. By year-end, the dollar's value had fallen 21% against the yen and 14% against the mark from its levels at the time of the Louvre Accord while Greenspan, the wizard of bubble-land, was on his way to being hailed as the greatest central banker in history. Two decades later, by 2007, the Greenspan put was called by the market and trillions of dollars were lost.

0; 1987 crash; new dealing 2; unlearned lessons.

Mon 2010-05-24 10:55 EDT

The Root Cause Of Recurring Global Financial Crises

Severe global financial crises have been recurring every decade: the 1987 crash, the 1997 Asian financial crisis and the 2007 Credit Crisis. This recurring pattern had been generated by wholesale financial deregulation around the world. But the root causes have been dollar hegemony and the Washington Consensus...The Washington Consensus has since been characterized as a ``bashing of the state'' (Annual Report of the United Nations, 1998) and a ``new imperialism'' (M Shahid Alam, ``Does Sovereignty Matter for Economic Growth?'', 1999). But the real harm of the Washington Consensus has yet to be properly recognized: that it is a prescription for generating failed states around the world among developing economies that participate in globalized financial markets. Even in the developed economies, neo-liberalism generates a dangerous but generally unacknowledged failed-state syndrome.

Recurring Global Financial Crises; root cause.

The Money Game Sat 2010-05-22 21:47 EDT

The Root Cause Of Recurring Global Financial Crises

Severe global financial crises have been recurring every decade: the 1987 crash, the 1997 Asian financial crisis and the 2007 Credit Crisis. This recurring pattern had been generated by wholesale financial deregulation around the world. But the root causes have been dollar hegemony and the Washington Consensus. -- The Case of Greece --Following misguided neo-liberal market fundamentalist advice, Greece abandoned its national currency, the drachma, in favor of the euro in 2002. This critically consequential move enabled the Greek government to benefit from the strength of the euro, albeit not derived exclusively from the strength of the Greek economy, but from the strength of the economies of the stronger Eurozone member states, to borrow at lower interest rates collateralized by Greek assets denominated in euros. With newly available credit, Greece then went on a debt-funded spending spree, including high-profile projects such as the 2004 Athens Olympics that left the Greek nation with high sovereign debts not denominated in its national currency...

Money game; Recurring Global Financial Crises; root cause.

Jesse's Café Américain Sun 2010-05-09 09:08 EDT

PLUNGE! 1987 Style Sudden Drop in US Stocks Driven by Program Trading and a Ponzi Market Structure

US equities were gripped by panic selling as the Dow plunged almost 1,000 points driven by a cascade of 100 share high frequency program trading, estimated to have been about 80% of volume. Gold rocketed higher to $1,210...This is highly reminiscent of the 1987 crash driven by a flawed market structure based on automated trading and bad theories. The entire stock market rally which we have seen this year off the February lows resembles a low volume Ponzi scheme, and formed a huge air pocket under prices. This US equity rally was driven by technically oriented buying from the Banks and the hedge funds. There was and still is a lack of legitimate institutional buying at these price levels. This was machine driven speculation enabled by the lack of reform in a system riddled with corruption...

1987 Style Sudden Drop; Jesse's Café Américain; plunge; Ponzi Market Structure; program-trading; Stocks driven.

Culture of Life News Tue 2010-04-06 10:23 EDT

Ireland And US Will Be Devoured By Derivatives Beast

The banking mess in the West continues. It has rather deep roots. That is, we decapitalized our own banking system long, long ago. The fix for this was to create a fake banking system with virtually no real capital reserves at all. This was possible thanks to the floating fiat currency created when Nixon suddenly cut the gold standard back in 1971. By 1987, the banking collapse was tremendous during a deflationary time that followed a hyperinflation era. This fix created conditions that caused the near-total collapse in Western banking...So far, governments in the West are being bailed out by Asia. And this is being done so Asia can continue to rapidly expand its own industrial base. This savage business gets worse and worse over time due to the self-feedback system of this debt expansion: you get more credit from export powers via letting them export even more to your own home base. So as capital vanishes, the need for debt shoots upwards and the system continues to get more and more unbalanced...Sure, we have little inflation except in important commodities but this is due to the Goddess of Zero slashing away at the mountain of debt, using the default tool to fix this mess in a very brutal way. Unfortunately, the bankers still control our `democracy' so they are moving all their losses onto our books and far from things going to zero, it is actually heading towards infinity: infinite debts owed by the taxpayers who want to continue stupidly cutting taxes while increasing credit based on virtually no capital at all! Sheesh.

Culture; Derivative Beast; devouring; Ireland; Life News.

Fri 2010-02-26 16:47 EST

'Buy farmland and gold,' advises Dr Doom - Times Online

The world's most powerful investors have been advised to buy farmland, stock up on gold and prepare for a ``dirty war'' by Marc Faber, the notoriously bearish market pundit, who predicted the 1987 stock market crash.

advises Dr Doom; Buys farmland; gold; time online.

Calculated Risk Sat 2009-10-10 13:33 EDT

FHA Bailout Seen

From Bloomberg: FHA Shortfall Seen at $54 Billion May Lead to Bailout...The Federal Housing Administration, which insures mortgages with low down payments, may require a U.S. bailout because of $54 billion more in losses than it can withstand, a former Fannie Mae executive said. ``It appears destined for a taxpayer bailout in the next 24 to 36 months,'' consultant Edward Pinto said in testimony prepared for a House committee hearing in Washington today. Pinto was the chief credit officer from 1987 to 1989 for Fannie Mae...

Calculated Risk; FHA Bailout Seen.