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zero hedge Tue 2009-10-27 11:50 EDT

Freddie Mac Annualized Defaults Hit Record High At 7.3%, Even As Lending Increases Once Again

With the US government now having taken over the functions of such pristine subprime lenders as New Century, with the provision that it not only is not checking borrowers' credit scores, income potential, or other "facts" that the mortgage lenders at least pretended to care about, but also giving away massive incentives to promote housing bubble V2, it was only a matter of time before the taxpayer's balance sheet would start looking like an Angelo Mozilo wet dream. Today, Freddie Mac released its September Monthly Volume Summary and, as expected, it is beginning to look just like the subprime debacle is among us, only this time all of America is on the hook thanks to a brilliant Fed and the even more brilliant geniuses in D.C.

3; 7; Freddie Mac Annualized Defaults Hit Record High; lending increasingly; Zero Hedge.

naked capitalism Sun 2009-10-11 17:06 EDT

Asian Countries Intervene to Prop Up Greenback (Dollar Bind Edition)

An unannounced but evidently coordinated effort to arrest or at least slow the fall of the dollar is underway. The Financial Times indicated that Asian central banks were aggressive dollar buyers on Thursday, but the information came via currency traders rather than an official pronouncement. Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan made substantial purchases; Hong Kong and Singapore also intervened today. The action may also have a secondary objective of rejiggering their currency values versus China's, since China repegged the renminbi against the dollar...

Asian Countries Intervene; Dollar Bind Edition; greenback; naked capitalism; prop.

Sat 2009-10-10 14:19 EDT

A financial revolution with profound political implications

The plan to de-dollarise the oil market, discussed both in public and in secret for at least two years and widely denied yesterday by the usual suspects -- Saudi Arabia being, as expected, the first among them -- reflects a growing resentment in the Middle East, Europe and in China at America's decades-long political as well as economic world dominance. [dollar losing reserve status]

financial revolution; profound political implications.

Willem Buiter's Maverecon Sat 2009-10-10 13:13 EDT

I know I know nothing; but at least I know that

...Except for the important qualifier that the US dollar is a global reserve currency, and that the US government (and private sector) has most of its domestic and external liabilities denominated in US dollars, the pathologies of financial boom, bubble and bust in the US, the UK, Iceland, Ireland and Spain (and many of the Central and East European emerging market economies) track those of classical emerging market crises in South America, Asia and CEE in the 1990s, rather well. The emerging market analogy makes one less optimistic about a robust recovery, as typically, emerging markets whose financial sector was destroyed by a serious financial crisis took many years to recover their pre-crisis growth rates and often never recovered their pre-crisis GDP paths.

know; least; Willem Buiter's Maverecon.

Tue 2009-09-22 08:17 EDT

Guest Post: Sarkozy, Stiglitz & capitalism's inherent contradictions

The French Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress presented its final Report written by Stiglitz and other leading economists at an event at la Sorbonne earlier today. The contents of Report is already being discussed widely but at least as relevant are the politics surrounding the Commission's Report and how France intends to use it to spearhead economic reform at home and abroad...at least in France, the financial crisis is alive and will be used to promote reform...Governments need to modify their behavior, first by changing how they account for the situation in society by including questions about the overriding purposes of society and public policy; ``our certitudes have evaporated, everything has to be put into question and re-invented''. Current methodologies fail to take externalities into account with the risk of booking developments as progress while, in reality, the opposite is true. Growth has in some regards destroyed more than it has achieved.

capitalism's inherent contradictions; Guest Post; Sarkozy; Stiglitz.

Jesse's Café Américain Sun 2009-09-20 11:07 EDT

Stock Market Rally: Shenanigans Abounding

...The US markets in general have every mark of a maturing Ponzi scheme...Bonds, stocks, metals, sugar, cocoa, and oil are all moving higher, while the dollar sinks. Is the dollar funding a new carry trade?...We remain guardedly 'optimistic' on the markets for next year ONLY because of the Fed's and Treasury's willingness to continue to debase the dollar to cover the massive unrealized losses in the banks' portfolios, even as they return to manipulating markets in business as usual. Inflation is good for financial assets, and we think another bubble is in the cards, at least for now given Obama's unwillingness to reform, unless some exogenous event or actor intervenes...

Jesse's Café Américain; Shenanigans Abounding; stock market rally.

naked capitalism Mon 2009-09-14 14:51 EDT

Guest Post: Sarkozy, Stiglitz & capitalism's inherent contradictions

The French Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress presented its final Report written by Stiglitz and other leading economists at an event at la Sorbonne earlier today. The contents of Report is already being discussed widely but at least as relevant are the politics surrounding the Commission's Report and how France intends to use it to spearhead economic reform at home and abroad. This post provides a few comments on Sarkozy's speech.

capitalism's inherent contradictions; Guest Post; naked capitalism; Sarkozy; Stiglitz.

Tue 2009-04-21 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Boomers' Future Went Down The Drain

``A structural shift in consumption to savings or at least reduced consumption, is in store for boomers''

Boomers; drain; futures went; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

The Economic Populist - Speak Your Mind 2 Cents at a Time Tue 2009-04-21 00:00 EDT

How we got here, and how to prevent it from happening again | The Economic Populist

``whatever the fundamental problem with banking system is it is at the very least 35 years old, if not older...Wall Street proved themselves to be unable to detect toxic debt from bubble assets''

economic populist; happened; Mind 2 Cents; prevent; speaking; Time.

Tue 2009-04-21 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Steve Waldman Believes Banking Industry Sick Since At Least the S&L Crisis

naked capitalism: Steve Waldman Believes Banking Industry Sick Since At Least the S&L Crisis

L Crisis; least; naked capitalism; s; Steve Waldman Believes Banking Industry Sick.

Tue 2009-04-21 00:00 EDT

Interfluidity :: When did the crisis begin?

``the crisis that we're in now is precisely the same crisis we've been in since at least the S&L crisis. We've had a cancer, with some superficial remissions, but fundamentally, for the entire period from the 1980s to 2008, our financial system in general and our banks in particular have been broken.''

crisis begin; Interfluidity.

Fri 2009-01-16 00:00 EST

CHINESE CHECKMATE << Culture of Life News

``There is a game of chicken developing here: both China and Japan hold more than $1.5 trillion in US paper and whoever drops it off the cliff first, will beat the one who hesitates...Will they do it? I would think so! This will probably happen after Saudi Arabia falls to revolutionaries...It is the focal point of all of bin Ladens works and dreams. And it will happen if oil drops below $30 a barrel.'' ``Store shelfs are packed with goods. But let that not fool us! These are the detritus from deals made at least a year ago if not longer. There is nothing in the pipeline. Once the shelves are cleared of goods, there will be few replacements.'' ``The US and EU refused to police our bankers and brokers. So the Communist Chinese will do this for us. No one will bank with the West. They will bank with China if China has good controls...And our money will have Mao grinning at us. We deserve this.''

CHINESE CHECKMATE; Culture; Life News.

Mon 2008-09-08 00:00 EDT

The Institutional Risk Analyst: Paulson Begins Gradual Wind-Down of GSEs within Conservatorship

Paulson Begins Gradual Wind-Down of GSEs within Conservatorship, by Institutional Risk Analytics; ``Now that the Treasury at least partly has followed our recommendation and taken the GSEs off the table as a concern for the bond investors who hold trillions of dollars worth of GSE debt, the markets and the respective presidential candidates can focus on the next, more pressing challenge, namely helping to refloat the US banking system''

conservatorship; GSEs; Institutional Risk Analyst; Paulson Begins Gradual Wind.

Sun 2008-05-18 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Mike Morgan: Decession or Depression?

"nventory of homes is now beyond a two year supply and growing, while prices are falling off the cliff." "at least a third of todays builders will be bankrupt within the next 18 months."largest source of inventory is the homes moving through the foreclosure process" "The snakes have moved out of the mortgage business and into the REO disposition business."

Decession; Depression; Mike Morgan; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Fri 2008-02-22 00:00 EST

Between The Lines > Inside Bernanke's Brain - The Fed's Response To The Crisis

Between The Lines > Inside Bernanke's Brain - The Fed's Response To The Crisis, by Aaron Krowne; "Fed doesnt actually control rates, at least not directly. It only sets a TARGET"; "in times of great distress (as now), the rates can get away from the Feds grasp, and it becomes important to distinguish. Specifically, if the Fed were to try to force the funds rate up to the 4.5% target while they were naturally trading around 3%, they would actually have to WITHDRAW liquidity from the system, causing a catastrophic deflationary spiral."

Bernanke's Brain; Crisis; Fed's responsibilities; lines.

Tue 2007-12-04 00:00 EST

Hussman Funds

International Markets Show Important Divergences: Global diversification might help least when it is needed most, by William Hester

Hussman Funds.

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