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budget constraint Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

enforcing hard budget constraints (1); Soft Budget Constraints (1).

billy blog Thu 2010-08-19 16:25 EDT

There is no credit risk for a sovereign government

...UC Berkeley economist Brad DeLong...likes to think of himself alongside Krugman as part of the ``Keynesian'' army against all the neo-liberals. Both are in fact New Keynesians. In that sense, they are not very dissimilar to Mankiw and his gang. Interestingly, they appear to be continually trying to one-up Mankiw as part of some internecine struggle within the American economics academy. But from a Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) perspective, it is hard to tell their various narratives apart...a sovereign government is never revenue constrained because it is the monopoly issuer of the currency. That is a basic starting point in exploring the differences between spending and taxation decisions of a sovereign government and the spending and income-earning decisions/possibilities of the private sector entities (households and firms). The two domains -- government and non-government -- are very different in this respect and any attempt to conflate them as if both are subject to budget constraints is wrong and starts the slippery slide down into the total mispresentation of how the macroeconomics system operates...When a government runs a surplus it is not ``saving'' anything. The surpluses go nowhere! They are just flows that are accounted for and the aggregate demand which is drained by the surpluses is lost in that period forever...DeLong is actually teaching some bastardised course in Political Science here and only allowing the conservative side of the debate to be aired...HSBC economist Steven Major ...[writes in the Financial Times (FT)]...so contrary to what is being peddled each day in the financial press that a medal for bravery should be awarded...

Billy Blog; credit Risk; sovereign Government.

Willem Buiter's Maverecon Thu 2009-10-15 16:51 EDT

Kornai on Soft Budget Constraints, Bail-Outs and the Financial Crisis

...Spreading of the SBC syndrome is at once a cause and an effect of the crisis. I will not say it is the only cause: the situation that led to the crisis was brought about by a complex of factors. But I will say firmly that softening of the budget constraint is one of the main causes of the crisis. The general softening tendency has been reinforced in the United States and several other countries by successive bailouts over the last ten or twenty years. Some economists, such as Professor Chenggang Xu, have been pointing for years at a close link between the crisis in East Asia and earlier bailouts. [moral hazard generalized]

bail-outs; Financial Crisis; Kornai; Soft Budget Constraints; Willem Buiter's Maverecon.

Thu 2009-10-08 17:04 EDT

After subverting bank insolvency, our leaders are now about to make a mess of liquidity

Unless there is a major change of direction among global economic and financial officialdom, we are at risk of ending up with a world in which liquidity provision is privatised and insolvency risk for banks is socialised. This would be the exact opposite of what makes sense: solvency is (or should be) a private good and liquidity is (or should be) a public good...The authorities should not waste their limited organisational capital to force banks to provide inefficiently the public good of liquidity when confidence and trust are low. They should instead focus on ways of enforcing hard budget constraints on banks - to confront them with the realities of insolvency in a way that separates shareholders, unsecured creditors, boards and managers from their investments while leaving the bank as a functioning organisation capable of continued intermediation.

leaders; liquidity; makes; Mess; subverting bank insolvency.