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naked capitalism Tue 2009-10-13 20:47 EDT

Guest Post: The REAL Battle Over America's Banking System

...the battle isn't between bankers versus outsiders. It is between the giant New York money-centered banks and the rest of the country...monetary reformers argue that letting banks create credit and money and then charge high interest rates creates massive levels of debt for states and taxpayers. They argue that the power to create money should be reclaimed by the government and taken away from the private banks...

America's banking system; Guest Post; naked capitalism; real battle.

Thu 2009-10-08 17:10 EDT

Recovering from Neoliberal Disaster - Why Iceland and Latvia Won't (and Can't) Pay

Can Iceland and Latvia pay the foreign debts run up by a fairly narrow layer of their population? The European Union and International Monetary Fund have told them to replace private debts with public obligations, and to pay by raising taxes, slashing public spending and obliging citizens to deplete their savings. Resentment is growing not only toward those who ran up these debts -- Iceland's bankrupt Kaupthing and Landsbanki with its Icesave accounts, and heavily debt-leveraged property owners and privatizers in the Baltics and Central Europe -- but also toward the neoliberal foreign advisors and creditors who pressured these governments to sell off the banks and public infrastructure to insiders. Support in Iceland for joining the EU has fallen to just over a third of the population, while Latvia's Harmony Center party, the first since independence to include a large segment of the Russian-speaking population, has gained a majority in Riga and is becoming the most popular national party. Popular protests in both countries have triggered rising political pressure to limit the debt burden to a reasonable ability to pay...

Iceland; Latvia; Neoliberal Disaster; pay; recover.

Taibblog Sun 2009-09-20 09:51 EDT

Will Obama listen to ex-Fed chief Paul Volcker's warnings?

So former Fed chief Paul Volcker yesterday was spouting off about how nuts it is that certain ``too big to fail'' commercial banks that receive mountains of public money are allowed to run around acting like high-risk hedge funds...This would be meaningful if the Economic Recovery Board that Volcker runs for Obama were actually a chief policymaking center for the president. But the reality is that the Volcker group is a kind of show-pony the Obama administration kept on as a way to give consolation jobs to the more progressive economic advisers who led them through the campaign season, people like University of Chicago professor Austan Goolsbee...Obama did a bit of a bait-and-switch, hiring progressives to run his campaign and jettisoning them once he got into office. I hear about this phenomenon from different corners of the policymaking universe, from health care to defense and intelligence spending. But my sense is that the switch was most violent in the realm of economic policy...

ex-Fed chief Paul Volcker's warnings; Obama listen; Taibblog.

Thu 2009-09-17 10:08 EDT

The Next Financial Crisis

Our banks have gotten into the habit of needing to be rescued through repeated bailouts. During this crisis, Bernanke--while saving the financial system in the short term--has done nothing to break this long-term pattern; worse, he exacerbated it. As a result, unless real reform happens soon, we face the prospect of another bubble-bust-bailout cycle that will be even more dangerous than the one we've just been through. ...We have seen this spectacle--the Fed saving us from one crisis only to instigate another--many times before. And, over the past few decades, the problem has become significantly more dire. The fault, to be sure, doesn't lie entirely with the Fed. Bernanke is a prisoner of a financial system with serious built-in flaws. The decisions he made during the recent crisis weren't necessarily the wrong decisions; indeed, they were, in many respects, the decisions he had to make. But these decisions, however necessary in the moment, are almost guaranteed to hurt our economy in the long run--which, in turn, means that more necessary but harmful measures will be needed in the future. It is a debilitating, vicious cycle. And at the center of this cycle is the Fed.

Financial Crisis.

Wed 2009-09-16 19:21 EDT

Corrosive, stinking Chinese drywall may be radioactive - Los Angeles Times

The final years of the U.S. housing boom and a disastrous series of Gulf Coast hurricanes created a golden opportunity for Chinese drywall manufacturers. With domestic suppliers unable to keep up with demand, imports of Chinese drywall to the U.S. jumped 17-fold in 2006 from the year before. That imported drywall is now at the center of complaints of foul odors seeping from walls. Hundreds of homeowners, most in Florida, have also reported corrosion to their air conditioners, mirrors, electrical outlets and even jewelry. State and federal authorities have traced the problems to Chinese-made drywall but haven't yet fully determined the causes. Some Chinese experts, however, suspect that the culprit is a radioactive phosphorus substance -- phosphogypsum -- that is banned for construction use in the U.S. but has been used by Chinese manufacturers for almost a decade.(china, building materials, defective products, health hazards)

corrosive; Los Angeles Times; Radioactive; stinking Chinese drywall.

Calculated Risk Tue 2009-09-08 14:43 EDT

Survey: ``The Anguish of Unemployment''

Unemployment survey by the Rutgers University John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development: A comprehensive national survey conducted among 1,200 Americans nationwide who have been unemployed and looking for a job in the past 12 months, including 894 who are still jobless, portrays a shaken, traumatized people coping with serious financial and psychological effects from an economic downturn of epic proportion.

Anguish; Calculated Risk; survey; unemployment.

Tue 2009-06-16 00:00 EDT

Forbes.com - Magazine Article

Forbes.com - Did Goldman Goose Oil? by Christopher Helman and Liz Moyer; How Goldman Sachs was at the center of the oil trading fiasco that bankrupted pipeline giant Semgroup.

com; Forbes; Magazine article.

Tue 2009-04-21 00:00 EDT

Did Goldman Goose Oil? - Forbes.com

Did Goldman Goose Oil? by Christopher Helman and Liz Moyer, Forbes.com; How Goldman Sachs was at the center of the oil trading fiasco that bankrupted pipeline giant Semgroup

com; Forbes; Goldman Goose Oil.

Tue 2009-02-24 00:00 EST

Jesse's Café Américain: When Will the Wall Street Money Center Banks Be Nationalized?

Jesse's Café Américain: When Will the Wall Street Money Center Banks Be Nationalized? "Most of the big banks need to be put into some form of bankruptcy and recapitalized, and I think everybody understands that." Ken Rogoff

Jesse's Café Américain; nation; Wall Street money center banks.

Sun 2008-11-23 00:00 EST

Joe Bageant: Sarah Palin is the Future of Conservatism

by Anonymous Political Consultant John Brown; ``In a system, which is entering a period of semi-permanent crisis, to plant oneself or one's party in its political center is to make yourself responsible for a political system which is forever failing, losing legitimacy and eventually its right to rule. In the long run, the future will belong to whichever political force flies the boldest flags, stands credibly far enough from those who will be held accountable for our troubles, and curses the loudest at the coming darkness.''

Conservatism; future; Joe Bageant; Sarah Palin.

Sun 2008-10-26 00:00 EDT

Joe Bageant: Moving to the Center of Elite Consensus

by "the masked political consultant"; ``what "Moving to the Center," means is: moving towards power and money''; ``What voters are expected to believe is that after a 30-year class war against the bottom 90% of income earners, the source of their troubles are black rappers and inner city fathers and not criminality on Wall Street or a corrupt political system.''; 2008-08-27

center; elite consensus; Joe Bageant; move.

Tue 2008-01-22 00:00 EST

Money Matters: The Lone Ranger's Silver Bullet Rate Cuts Saves Markets

by Elaine Meinel Supkis; "When Britain and France used the Long Depression to expand their empires, both Germany and the USA used this time frame to build rail roads, ports, navies, farms, factories and educational centers. As France and England denuded their home states to increase invasive military power that took in the raw resources of the world, their people got weaker and their incomes fell and they went hungry and in rags in slums or fled their homelands to the New Worlds."

Lone Ranger's Silver Bullet Rate Cuts Saves Markets; money matters.

Mon 2008-01-07 00:00 EST

A Republic, If You Can Keep It - National Constitution Center

A Republic, If You Can Keep It, by Richard Beeman, National Constitution Center; Benjamin Franklin

keeping; National Constitution Center; Republic.

Fri 2007-11-02 00:00 EDT

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> Milky Way Update

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> Milky Way Update; capital shortfalls at money-center banks

economic; Market; milky way update; watch; winter.

Fri 2006-12-22 00:00 EST

Report Reveals 2.2 Million Borrowers Face Foreclosure on Subprime Home Loans; Homeowners to lose Billions - Center for Responsible Lending

2; borrowers face foreclosure; center; homeowners; lose billions; Report Reveals 2; Responsible Lending; subprime home loans.

Thu 2001-04-19 00:00 EDT

SANS Institute - Lion Worm

lion worm -- sans global incident analysis center

Lion Worm; SANS Institute.

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