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The Realignment Project Tue 2009-09-22 12:31 EDT

Making the Public (Transit) Beautiful

One of the rhetorical strategies of the economic right's cultural politics is to associate the free market with individual pleasure, aesthetic beauty, and technological progress, while associating the public sector with the oppression of the crowd, the spartan ugliness of ``civil service issue,'' and general associations with low-quality, outmoded, cheap machinery...the car, a luxury commodity associated with wealth and prestige, is an extension of your (now much cooler) person, it's fast and futuristic, and it's well-designed and new...By contrast, the dominant media image of mass transit plays up its worst qualities as a social nightmare: it's crowded, claustrophobic, there's no privacy and people and bumping into you, it's noisy and smells terrible, maybe it's dangerous, you're getting delayed again, this is what you take to get where you have to go, not where you want to go. And part of the cultural work of the left in championing the cause of the public must be to counter-act this kind of imagery. Because the public can and should be beautiful.

beauty; makes; public; Realignment Project; transition.

The Full Feed from HuffingtonPost.com Thu 2009-09-17 10:06 EDT

Priceless: How The Federal Reserve Bought The Economics Profession

The Federal Reserve, through its extensive network of consultants, visiting scholars, alumni and staff economists, so thoroughly dominates the field of economics that real criticism of the central bank has become a career liability for members of the profession, an investigation by the Huffington Post has found. This dominance helps explain how, even after the Fed failed to foresee the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression, the central bank has largely escaped criticism from academic economists.

com; economics profession; Federal Reserve bought; full Feeds; HuffingtonPost; priceless.

naked capitalism Sun 2009-09-13 13:59 EDT

Why Economists Rarely Say Bad Things About the Fed

The Federal Reserve, through its extensive network of consultants, visiting scholars, alumni and staff economists, so thoroughly dominates the field of economics that real criticism of the central bank has become a career liability for members of the profession, an investigation by the Huffington Post has found...DownSouth comments ``The collusion between state and academe is the post-Enlightenment version of the old alliance that existed between church and state in the Ancien Régime. Academe currently fulfills the same function that the church did before, and that is to give the state the imprimatur of moral and intellectual legitimacy.''

Economists Rarely Say Bad Things; Fed; naked capitalism.

naked capitalism Fri 2009-09-04 18:45 EDT

Stiglitz Doubts Recovery Can Be Sustained

Joseph Stiglitz takes issue with the view of economists (well, economists surveyed by Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal, which not surprisingly have a Pollyannish optimistic streak) that the economy is in or on the verge of a recovery. ``In most quarters, there is a feeling we should move away from the dollar system. The question is do we do it in an orderly way, or a chaotic way,'' Stiglitz said. ``The size of the deficit and the size of the balance sheet of the Fed have just increased the anxiety and the desire that something be done...'' Between the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of Lehman Brothers was ``the short period of American triumphalism, where we dominated the global scene. That period is over,'' Stiglitz said.

naked capitalism; Stiglitz Doubts Recovery; sustained.

zero hedge Tue 2009-09-01 19:43 EDT

Oil And Treasuries Paint A Divergent Inflation Picture, Yet Is It Even Relevant?

...bonds are reflecting a deflationary environment while commodities and stocks are betting on inflation...Yet...both stocks and bonds are potentially being manipulated to a point where they bear no reflection of the underlying assets, whose values they are purported to represent...is the debate about inflation versus deflation based on asset trends really relevant: a bizarro market dominated by animal spirits and intraday greed has ceased to indicate any long-term trends and our advice is to simply enjoy it for what it is - a ponzi casino...

Divergent Inflation Picture; Oil; relevant; Treasuries Paint; Zero Hedge.

naked capitalism Tue 2009-09-01 13:10 EDT

Twenty-Five Years to Work Off the Debt Overhang?

T. S. Eliot was right. Human beings cannot stand very much reality. As much as I have an appetite for bearish views (I figure the optimist case gets disproportionate air time), the headline of Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's latest piece, ``Our quarter-century penance is just starting,'' is grim even by the standards of the bearish faithful. Great comment by DownSouth, quoting Martin Luther King and Reinhold Niebuhr to the effect that by delegating to elites what should be the role of labor unions and grass-roots organizations. Niebuhr wrote: ``when collective power, whether in the form of imperialism or class domination, exploits weakness, it can never be dislodged unless power is raised against it'' ``Before we can fix the economy, the polity must be repaired first.''

debt overhang; naked capitalism; working; years.

Steve Keen's Debtwatch Sun 2009-08-30 14:33 EDT

It's Hard Being a Bear (Part Two)

One of the reasons I'm still a bear on the economy is because the economists in the optimists camp are relying upon very bad economic theory. If that theory is telling them good times are ahead, that's one of the best predictors of bad times you could have. Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM) preached that stock market price shares accurately, that the amount of debt finance a company has doesn't affect its value, and many other notions that have gone up in smoke during the GFC. CAPM developer William Sharpe ``assumed a miracle'': all investors agree about the future and their expectations about the future are correct. Macroeconomic theory has been dominated by IS-LM model erroneously attributed to Keynes but actually due to convervative neoclassical John Hicks, which ``emasculated what was original in Keynes's General Theory, and this bowdlerised version of Keynes was then demolished by Friedman in the 1970s to usher in the Monetarist phase''

Bear; hard; part; Steve Keen's Debtwatch.

Thu 2009-07-30 00:00 EDT

Michael Hudson: The Toll Booth Economy

Michael Hudson: The Toll Booth Economy -- by Michael Hudson ``The Latest in Junk Economics'' What is missing is a critique of the big picture how Wall Street has financialized the public domain to inaugurate a neo-feudal tollbooth economy while privatizing the government itself, headed by the Treasury and Federal Reserve. Left untouched is the story how industrial capitalism has succumbed to an insatiable and unsustainable finance capitalism, whose newest final stage seems to be a zero-sum game of casino capitalism based on derivative swaps and kindred hedge fund gambling innovations...What have been lost are the Progressive Eras two great reforms. First, minimizing the economys free lunch of unearned income (e.g., monopolistic privilege and privatization of the public domain in contrast to ones own labor and enterprise) by taxing absentee property rent and asset-price (capital) gains, by keeping natural monopolies in the public domain, and by anti-trust regulation...A second Progressive Era aim was to steer the financial sector so as to fund capital formation. Industrial credit was best achieved in Germany and Central Europe in the decades prior to World War I. But the Allied victory led to the dominance of Anglo-American banking practice, based on loans against property or income streams already in place. Todays bank credit has become decoupled from capital formation, taking the form mainly of mortgage credit (80 per cent), and loans secured by corporate stock (for mergers, acquisitions and corporate raids) as well as for speculation. The effect is to spur asset-price inflation on credit, in ways that benefit the few at the expense of the economy at large.''

Michael Hudson; Toll Booth Economy.

Wed 2009-05-20 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: China Out to Dominate in Electric Cars (and Why Not GM)

China; dominating; electric car; GM; naked capitalism.

Tue 2008-09-09 00:00 EDT

Joe Bageant: Why Rednecks May Rule the World

``We all understand that there is a political class which dominates in America, and that Sarah Palin for damned sure is not one of them. And the more she is attacked by liberal Democratic elements (translation: elite highly-educated big city people) the more America's working mooks will come to her defence.''

Joe Bageant; rednecks; rules; world.

Tue 2008-09-02 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: GDP Release Signals Further Decline into Banana Republic Status

overstating GDP, understating inflation; ``taking steps towards being a small-minded, elite-dominated, sham democracy...I wonder if there is some unconscious mass desire to give up on the messiness and ambiguity of an open society and surrender to the certainty of one with institutionalized inequality, more authoritarianism, but more predictability, and perhaps an illusion of greater security.''

Banana Republic Status; GDP Release Signals Further Decline; naked capitalism.

Wed 2008-04-16 00:00 EDT

Asia Times Online :: Asian news and current affairs

The rise of the new energy world order, by Michael T. Klare; "the price of oil will dominate our lives and power will reside in the hands of those who control its global distribution"

Asia Times Online; Asian news; current affairs.

Sun 2008-03-30 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: America: Banana Republic Watch

2007-05-06; "taking steps towards being a small-minded, elite-dominated, sham democracy"

America; Banana Republic Watch; naked capitalism.

Fri 2008-03-28 00:00 EDT

10 days That Changed Capitalism

by Rob Johnson and Robert Borosage; "market fundamentalism that has dominated our economics over last three decades has been unmasked as a sham"

10 day; changing capital.

Tue 2007-08-28 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: America: Banana Republic Watch

(2007-05-06); "taking steps towards being a small-minded, elite-dominated, sham democracy"; overstating employment; ministry of truth; overstating GDP by hedonic adjustment; birth/death adjustments to employment; "Banana Republic Indicators"

America; Banana Republic Watch; naked capitalism.

Mon 2007-08-27 00:00 EDT

Joe Bageant: The Simulacran Republic

Jerry Mander; "we are in an age of corporate dominion just as we were once in an age of domination by royal families, kings and warlords"

Joe Bageant; Simulacran Republic.

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