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free market Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

dispel free market fundamentalism (1); Free Market Capitalism Just Passed (1); Free Market Capitalism Possible (1); free market capitalist ideology (1); free market solutions (1); free Market Zealots (1); free markets fundamental (3); Free-Market Capitalism (2); promoting free market skeptics (1); reasons free market economists (1); running free-market banks (1); Unregulated Free Market Fundamentalism Zealotry (2).

Sat 2010-09-25 11:02 EDT

Where is the World Economy Headed?

...financial maneuvering and debt leverage play the role that military conquest did in times past. Its aim is still to control land, basic infrastructure and the economic surplus -- and also to gain control of national savings, commercial banking and central bank policy...Indebted ``host economies'' are in a similar position to that of defeated countries. Their economic surplus is transferred abroad financially, while locally, debtors lose sovereignty over their own financial, economic and tax policy. Public infrastructure is sold off to foreign buyers, on credit and therefore paying interest and fees that are expensed as tax-deductible and paid to foreigners. The Washington Consensus applauds this pro-rentier policy. Its neoliberal ideology holds that the most efficient path to wealth is to shift economic planning out of the hands of government into those of bankers and money managers in charge of privatizing and financializing the economy. Almost without anyone noticing, this view is replacing the classical law of nations based on the idea of sovereignty over debt and financial policy, tariff and tax policy...Bankers in the North look upon any economic surplus -- real estate rent, corporate cash flow or even the government's taxing power or ability to sell off public enterprises -- as a source of revenue to pay interest on debts...The original liberals -- from Adam Smith and the Physiocrats through John Stuart Mill and even Winston Churchill -- urged that the tax system be based on the economic rent of land so as to keep down the price of housing (and hence labor's cost of living). The Progressive Era followed this principle by aiming to keep natural monopolies such as transportation, communication and even banks (or at least, free credit creation) in the public domain. But the post-1980 world has encouraged private owners to buy them on credit and extract economic rent, thereby shifting the tax burden onto labor, industry and agriculture -- while concentrating wealth, first on credit and then via the enormous recent public bailouts of this failed financial debt pyramiding and deregulation...At issue is the concept of free markets. Are they to be free from monopoly and special privilege, or free for the occupying financial invaders and speculators?...

World Economy Headed.

Mon 2010-07-19 16:30 EDT

US gripped with offshore economy

Jobs are becoming scarcer and scarcer particularly in the United States. Is it cyclical or is it structural? Is it something that America has completely turned its back on in a way that could potentially be a factor for decades going forward? Max Keiser discusses this issue with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts...Keiser: Andy Grove, the co-founder of Intel has just written an opinion piece for Bloomberg that has totally vindicated your long held argument against outsourcing American jobs...What is left in the arsenal to fight for jobs? Roberts:Nothing, one of the reasons they like offshoring is to destroy the unions so that's one of the reasons free market economists and corporations are so keen on offshoring, it destroys the unions...the only jobs that have been created in the 21st century in America are domestic service jobs like waiters, bartenders, hospital orderlies, construction workers, real estate, they are continuing to lose manufacture jobs, and not creating jobs for scientists and engineers and this has now been going on for a decade...What the US is going through is a process of disdevelopment of becoming an undeveloped economy; it's the opposite of economic development going on in the US...

grip; Offshored Economy.

New Deal 2.0 Mon 2010-07-12 16:51 EDT

The Unlearned Lesson of the 1987 Crash

Henry Liu revisits the stock market crash of 1987 to dispel free market fundamentalism and the neo-conservative lust for deregulation...The Federal Reserve's actions under Greenspan in 1987 led market participants to conclude that the Fed would emphasize domestic market objectives with accommodative monetary stance, if necessary at the cost of a further decline in the dollar. By year-end, the dollar's value had fallen 21% against the yen and 14% against the mark from its levels at the time of the Louvre Accord while Greenspan, the wizard of bubble-land, was on his way to being hailed as the greatest central banker in history. Two decades later, by 2007, the Greenspan put was called by the market and trillions of dollars were lost.

0; 1987 crash; new dealing 2; unlearned lessons.

Wed 2010-06-09 18:39 EDT

billy blog >> Blog Archive >> The comeback of conservative ideology

Today I have been writing about the resurgence of the conservative ideology...Ever hear the term Ruthanasia? You should have because she is still at it berating us about the wrongs of fiscal policy and the need for radical reform. Ruth Richardson was New Zealand's minister of finance from 1990-93...As an historical episode ``Ruthanasia'' followed ``Rogernomics'' as increasingly radical reform programs that were inflicted on the New Zealand population from 1984 onwards -- for the next few decades...Unemployment became a policy tool (for disciplining inflation) rather than a primary policy target. The inflation-first monetary stance (and undemocratic reforms of the central bank) combined with a harsh fiscal policy contraction to drive up unemployment and significantly reduce per capita income...Successive right-wing governments (which not only included the conservatives but also the Lange Labour Party government which started it all) used the concept of a "strategic deficit". David Stockman, the budget director under President Reagan, was the person to coin this term which is taken to mean using a budget deficit as a "political weapon". The strategy was to hand out huge tax cuts to allegedly "incentivise" (the word that was used at the time) private entrepreneurs even though there has never been any convincing research evidence to suggest that there are major losses of activity arising from taxation. The resulting deficits were then paraded as evidence of the need for dramatic public spending cut backs...The experience of New Zealand during those years of being ruthanased by the free market zealots should serve as a warning to all of us...

Billy Blog; blogs Archive; comeback; Conservative ideology.

Fri 2010-05-14 15:21 EDT

Of ideology, recession, and policy paralysis >> The Berkeley Blog

...The current financial calamity does not ``threaten the key ideas'' that have dominated economic policy in the United States and abroad for the past 35 years or so. By all empirical evidence it absolutely shreds the economic theology that prevailed and unhappily still underlies the effectiveness of the resistance to any meaningful remedial action by bankers, by other purveyors of financial services, and by their congressional and media agents...Every time I see or hear the phrase ``free market,'' I have mixed feelings -- a mix of anger and exasperation. Why? Because there is no such thing as a ``free market;'' there has never been any such thing, and never will be. What's more: it is hard to believe that those otherwise intelligent people who prattle about ``the free market'' don't know that...

Berkeley Blog; ideology; policy paralysis; Recession.

naked capitalism Mon 2009-12-28 14:50 EST

A look back at the debate on the role of monetary and fiscal stimulus in depression

...regarding stimulus and the role of government in a debt-deflationary environment...does fiscal or monetary stimulus work?...the real debate about whether or not to try fiscal stimulus revolves around the role of government and its limitations. Ideologues on one side see government as a parasite which interferes with the free market. On the other side, ideologues see government as the only way out of a crisis of this magnitude. The key sticking point is not just the size of government, but also its effectiveness -- the political will to effect change rather than to favor constituents...So, how has this worked out in practice? Not so well.

Debate; Depression; fiscal stimulus; looking; Monetary; naked capitalism; role.

Wed 2009-12-16 12:30 EST

James Grant Mourns the Loss of the Gold Standard - WSJ.com

...There's no business value in financial safety when the government bails out the unsafe. And by bailing out a scandalously large number of unsafe institutions, the government necessarily puts the dollar at risk...Collateralize the dollar--make it exchangeable into something of genuine value. Get the Fed out of the price-fixing business. Replace Ben Bernanke with a latter-day Thomson Hankey. Find--cultivate--battalions of latter-day Hellmans and set them to running free-market banks. There's one more thing: Return to the statute books Section 19 of the 1792 Coinage Act...

com; gold standard; James Grant mourns; losses; WSJ.

New Deal 2.0 Tue 2009-11-03 20:07 EST

Roosevelt Institute Director and Senior Fellow Rob Johnson will lead Soros' $50 Million Effort

Rob Johnson, Director of the Economic Policy Initiative of the Roosevelt Institute, has been pegged to lead financier George Soros' $50 million effort to create an ``Institute for New Economic Thinking'', which will fund research, convene symposiums, and establish a journal -- all in the name of promoting free market skeptics and creating a new economic paradigm. To this end Soros is gathering market-skeptics this week, including Roosevelt Institute Braintruster and Nobel Prize-winner Joseph Stiglitz, George Akerlof, Michael Spence, and Sir James Mirrlees to start the conversation. ``Economics has failed not only to predict and explain what happened but has also failed to protect society,'' said Johnson in an article in Newsweek. ``That's what the crisis revealed. The paradigm has failed. There is no guidance.''

0; 50; effort; lead Soros; new dealing 2; Roosevelt Institute Director; Senior Fellow Rob Johnson.

naked capitalism Tue 2009-10-27 12:18 EDT

Guest Post: Capitalism, Socialism or Fascism?

What is the current American economy: capitalism, socialism or fascism? ...Nouriel Roubini writes ``We're essentially continuing a system where profits are privatized and...losses socialized.'' Nassim Nicholas Taleb says ``the government is socializing all these losses by transforming them into liabilities for your children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren.'' Nobel prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz calls it ``socialism for the rich'' ...leading journalist Robert Scheer writes: ``What is proposed is not the nationalization of private corporations but rather a corporate takeover of government. The marriage of highly concentrated corporate power with an authoritarian state that services the politico-economic elite at the expense of the people is more accurately referred to as ``financial fascism'''' ...Italian historian Gaetano Salvemini argued in 1936 that fascism makes taxpayers responsible to private enterprise, because ``the State pays for the blunders of private enterprise... Profit is private and individual. Loss is public and social'' ...one of the best definitions of fascism -- the one used by Mussolini -- is the ``merger of state and corporate power`` ...Nobel prize-winning economist George Akerlof co-wrote a paper in 1993 describing the causes of the S&L crisis and other financial meltdowns...[Looting is the] common thread [when] countries took on excessive foreign debt, governments had to bail out insolvent financial institutions, real estate prices increased dramatically and then fell, or new financial markets experienced a boom and bust...Our theoretical analysis shows that an economic underground can come to life if firms have an incentive to go broke for profit at society's expense (to loot) instead of to go for broke (to gamble on success). Bankruptcy for profit will occur if poor accounting, lax regulation, or low penalties for abuse give owners an incentive to pay themselves more than their firms are worth and then default on their debt obligations ...Whether we use the terminology regarding socialism-for-the-giants (''socialized losses''), of fascism (''public and social losses''), or of looting (''left the government holding the bag for their eventual and predictable losses''), it amounts to the exact same thing. [kleptocracy] Great comments, including Joseph: Three core ideas characterize the myth of our society: 1. Free market; 2. Capitalism; 3. Democracy. The conceptual error that people make is to think that they are compatible, or indeed represent aspect of the same thing. In fact they are all deeply antagonistic towards each other. It is the miracle of post-war society that we managed to hold them in balance for so long. That balance has now been destroyed. A simple example of the contradiction, and the one that the over-socialised right finds most confusing, is the contradiction between capitalism and the market. Capitalism is a system of ownership; the market is a system of distribution. The perfect world for the capitalist is one in which they are price setters in terms of the commodities they produce and labour they employ -- ie a state of monopoly. Each individual capitalist seeks the destruction of the market. What has occurred over the past year is not corruption; it is the triumph of capitalism. The market and democracy have been defeated. Not socialism, not fascism,...

capitalism; Fascism; Guest Post; naked capitalism; social.

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis Fri 2009-10-23 09:07 EDT

Death of the 'Soul of Capitalism'

Paul Farrell on MarketWatch is writing about the Death of the 'Soul of Capitalism', referring to Jack Bogle, Marc Faber, and Michael Moore. Has capitalism lost its soul? Guys like Bogle and Faber sense it...Virtually everything that failed can be traced back to government intervention into the free markets, especially the creation of the Fed itself.

capitalism; death; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; souls.

The Realignment Project Tue 2009-09-22 12:31 EDT

Making the Public (Transit) Beautiful

One of the rhetorical strategies of the economic right's cultural politics is to associate the free market with individual pleasure, aesthetic beauty, and technological progress, while associating the public sector with the oppression of the crowd, the spartan ugliness of ``civil service issue,'' and general associations with low-quality, outmoded, cheap machinery...the car, a luxury commodity associated with wealth and prestige, is an extension of your (now much cooler) person, it's fast and futuristic, and it's well-designed and new...By contrast, the dominant media image of mass transit plays up its worst qualities as a social nightmare: it's crowded, claustrophobic, there's no privacy and people and bumping into you, it's noisy and smells terrible, maybe it's dangerous, you're getting delayed again, this is what you take to get where you have to go, not where you want to go. And part of the cultural work of the left in championing the cause of the public must be to counter-act this kind of imagery. Because the public can and should be beautiful.

beauty; makes; public; Realignment Project; transition.

Thu 2009-09-17 10:36 EDT

Milton Friedman and the Economics of Empire

Excerpt from Greg Grandin's Empire's Workshop. (Milton Friedman, Chile, Arnold Harberger, General Augusto Pinochet's military government, shock treatment) Not only had Nixon, the CIA, and ITT, along with other companies, plotted to destabilize Allende's "democratic road to socialism," but now a renowned University of Chicago economist, whose promotion of the wonders of the free market was heavily subsidized by corporations such as Bechtel, Pepsico, Getty, Pfizer, General Motors, W.R. Grace, and Firestone, was advising the dictator who overthrew him on how to complete the counterrevolution -- at the cost of skyrocketing unemployment among Chile's poor. The New York Times identified Friedman as the "guiding light of the junta's economic policy," while columnist Anthony Lewis asked: if "pure Chicago economic theory can be carried out in Chile only at the price of repression, should its authors feel some responsibility?"

economic; Empire; Milton Friedman.

Thu 2009-07-30 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Guest Post: Chasing The Shadow Of Money

-- Friedrich Hayek's seminal Prices and Production, published in the depression days of 1935...discerned the critical role of the shadow banking system long before the advent of securitization, derivatives and other products that today have caused the monetary supply problem to reach a screaming crescendo...shadow money and credit are not just the dynamo that drives the free market, but also its Achilles heel

chasing; Guest Post; money; naked capitalism; shadows.

Wed 2009-04-01 00:00 EDT

Michael Hudson: The Language of Looting

Michael Hudson: The Language of Looting. What "Nationalize the Banks" and the "Free Market" Really Mean in Today's Looking-Glass World

language; Looting; Michael Hudson.

Wed 2009-04-01 00:00 EDT

Mike Whitney: Is Free Market Capitalism Possible Without Accountability?

Naked Capitalism blogger Yves Smith interviewed

accounted; Free Market Capitalism Possible; MIKE WHITNEY.

Thu 2009-02-26 00:00 EST

Daily Kos: State of the Nation

Chocolate Covered Cotton, by billmon; ``taking a look at how the stinking heap was created''; securitized lending morphing to fatal innovation, collateralized obligations; ``full nationalization still would be less expensive and messy than creating the kind of Potemkin markets the Geither plan seems to envision''; ``ncreasingly desperate attempts to maintain a phony façade of free markets and private enterprise, in an economy now utterly dependent on the federal safety net''

Daily Kos; nation; state.

Tue 2009-02-24 00:00 EST

Why Be a Nation of Mortgage Slaves? - WSJ.com

Why Be a Nation of Mortgage Slaves? by Ramsey Su - WSJ.com; ``allowing foreclosures...has merit as a free-market solution''

com; Mortgage Slaves; nation; WSJ.

Thu 2008-07-03 00:00 EDT

Faustian economics:

Hell hath no limits--By Wendell Berry (Harper's Magazine); "Our true religion is a sort of autistic industrialism"; "our 'identity' is located not in the impulse of selfhood but in deliberately maintained connections"; "in the phrase 'free market,' the word 'free' has come to mean unlimited economic power for some, with the necessary consequence of economic powerlessness for others"; "we confuse limits with confinement...our human and earthly limits, properly understood, are not confinements but rather inducements to formal elaboration and elegance, to _fullness_ of relationship and meaning"; "we want to make our economic landscapes sustainably and abundantly productive, we must do so by maintaining in them a living formal complexity something like that of natural ecosystems. We can do this only by raising to the highest level our mastery of the arts of agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, and, ultimately, the art of living."

Faustian economics.

Thu 2008-06-12 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: So Much For Free Markets: Federally Sponsored Mortgages at 90% Share

90; Federally Sponsored Mortgages; free market; naked capitalism; shares.

Wed 2008-05-28 00:00 EDT

Economist's View: "The Predator State: How Conservatives Abandoned the Free Market and Why Liberals Should Too"

review of Jamie Galbraith's "The Predator State" by L. Randall Wray; "market solutions are designed to enrich a favored oligarchy through a spoils system administered through the states structure"

Conservatives Abandoned; Economist's View; free market; liberalism; Predator state.

Wed 2008-04-09 00:00 EDT

Sudden Debt: Free Markets vs. Cronyism

"Free markets...without tight regulation...rapidly deteriorate towards crony capitalism"; "excellence in market regulation leads to better and freer markets"

cronyism; free market; Sudden Debt.

Wed 2008-03-26 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Wolf: Free Market Capitalism Just Passed Its Peak

"Bear Stearns bailout as the high water mark of free market capitalist ideology."

Free Market Capitalism Just Passed; naked capitalism; peak; Wolf.

Tue 2007-03-20 00:00 EDT

RGE - Who is to Blame for the Mortgage Carnage and Coming Financial Disaster? Unregulated Free Market Fundamentalism Zealotry

by Nouriel Roubini

blames; Coming Financial Disaster; Mortgage Carnage; RGE; Unregulated Free Market Fundamentalism Zealotry.

Mon 2007-03-19 00:00 EDT

RGE - Who is to Blame for the Mortgage Carnage and Coming Financial Disaster? Unregulated Free Market Fundamentalism Zealotry

blames; Coming Financial Disaster; Mortgage Carnage; RGE; Unregulated Free Market Fundamentalism Zealotry.