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naked capitalism Sun 2009-09-20 11:53 EDT

Financial Reform: Not happening but the need is clear

If you are looking for reform in the financial sector, the moment has passed. And only to the degree that the underlying weaknesses in the global financial system are made manifest and threaten the economy will we see any appetite for reform amongst politicians. So, as I see it, the Obama administration has missed the opportunity for reform...Steve Keen, an Australian economist whose theories are heavily influenced by Hyman Minsky, has a cogent analysis of the true structural deficits in the current economic model...today we have finally reached a level of debt which is so great that another reflation is impossible. The collapse is now....unlike Keen, I am not convinced the time is now...What I would like to see is economic thought leaders developing a blueprint of a financial crisis strategy which tackles both the immediate crisis issues (liquidity) and the structural, regulatory and monetary issues that create financial volatility (solvency). When crisis does occur, I believe it will be systemic in nature due to the forces Keen so lucidly explains. Therefore, a blueprint which is 1) heavy on tactics and, 2) if implemented in a real systemic crisis, is likely to work, builds credibility. This is political capital which will carry over to longer-term preventive strategies and reforms.

clear; Financial reform; happened; naked capitalism; needed.

Wed 2009-09-16 19:21 EDT

Corrosive, stinking Chinese drywall may be radioactive - Los Angeles Times

The final years of the U.S. housing boom and a disastrous series of Gulf Coast hurricanes created a golden opportunity for Chinese drywall manufacturers. With domestic suppliers unable to keep up with demand, imports of Chinese drywall to the U.S. jumped 17-fold in 2006 from the year before. That imported drywall is now at the center of complaints of foul odors seeping from walls. Hundreds of homeowners, most in Florida, have also reported corrosion to their air conditioners, mirrors, electrical outlets and even jewelry. State and federal authorities have traced the problems to Chinese-made drywall but haven't yet fully determined the causes. Some Chinese experts, however, suspect that the culprit is a radioactive phosphorus substance -- phosphogypsum -- that is banned for construction use in the U.S. but has been used by Chinese manufacturers for almost a decade.(china, building materials, defective products, health hazards)

corrosive; Los Angeles Times; Radioactive; stinking Chinese drywall.

naked capitalism Mon 2009-09-14 14:51 EDT

Guest Post: Sarkozy, Stiglitz & capitalism's inherent contradictions

The French Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress presented its final Report written by Stiglitz and other leading economists at an event at la Sorbonne earlier today. The contents of Report is already being discussed widely but at least as relevant are the politics surrounding the Commission's Report and how France intends to use it to spearhead economic reform at home and abroad. This post provides a few comments on Sarkozy's speech.

capitalism's inherent contradictions; Guest Post; naked capitalism; Sarkozy; Stiglitz.

Thu 2009-07-30 00:00 EDT

Michael Hudson: The Toll Booth Economy

Michael Hudson: The Toll Booth Economy -- by Michael Hudson ``The Latest in Junk Economics'' What is missing is a critique of the big picture how Wall Street has financialized the public domain to inaugurate a neo-feudal tollbooth economy while privatizing the government itself, headed by the Treasury and Federal Reserve. Left untouched is the story how industrial capitalism has succumbed to an insatiable and unsustainable finance capitalism, whose newest final stage seems to be a zero-sum game of casino capitalism based on derivative swaps and kindred hedge fund gambling innovations...What have been lost are the Progressive Eras two great reforms. First, minimizing the economys free lunch of unearned income (e.g., monopolistic privilege and privatization of the public domain in contrast to ones own labor and enterprise) by taxing absentee property rent and asset-price (capital) gains, by keeping natural monopolies in the public domain, and by anti-trust regulation...A second Progressive Era aim was to steer the financial sector so as to fund capital formation. Industrial credit was best achieved in Germany and Central Europe in the decades prior to World War I. But the Allied victory led to the dominance of Anglo-American banking practice, based on loans against property or income streams already in place. Todays bank credit has become decoupled from capital formation, taking the form mainly of mortgage credit (80 per cent), and loans secured by corporate stock (for mergers, acquisitions and corporate raids) as well as for speculation. The effect is to spur asset-price inflation on credit, in ways that benefit the few at the expense of the economy at large.''

Michael Hudson; Toll Booth Economy.

Fri 2009-06-26 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: A Final Word on Inflation and Deflation

Jesse's Café Américain: A Final Word on Inflation and Deflation; ``serious monetary inflation is triggered by excessive government debt obligations, and not private debt, that can no longer be adequately serviced by a productive real economy and domestic taxation...the output gap is no sure barrier to this type of inflation is that it ironically serves to feed it in the presence of profligate government spending, since it dampens tax revenues and domestic GDP.

deflation; final words; Inflation; Jesse's Café Américain.

Sat 2009-06-13 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Links 6/13/09

DownSouth reads Richard Kline's ``our next twenty plus years. Argentina twenty times larger.''; ``American exceptionalism therefore will most likely not die an easy death, and the U.S. will not be spared that final humbling, and destructive, drubbing.''

Links 6/13/09; naked capitalism.

Thu 2009-01-15 00:00 EST

The Institutional Risk Analyst: Bank Stress Index Up in Q3; Will the Final Solution for CDS Start in EU?

US Bank Stress Rises 7% in Q3; Will the Final Solution for CDS Start in EU? IRA (Institutional Risk Analytics)

Bank Stress Index; CDS Start; EU; final solution; Institutional Risk Analyst; Q3.

Thu 2009-01-15 00:00 EST

naked capitalism: Finally, Some Semi-Official Interest in Trade Finance Woes

final; naked capitalism; Semi-Official Interest; Trade Finance Woes.

Fri 2008-12-12 00:00 EST

The Institutional Risk Analyst: Bank Stress Index Up in Q3; Will the Final Solution for CDS Start in EU?

US Bank Stress Rises 7% in Q3; Will the Final Solution for CDS Start in EU? by by Institutional Risk Analytics

Bank Stress Index; CDS Start; EU; final solution; Institutional Risk Analyst; Q3.

Mon 2008-11-03 00:00 EST

naked capitalism: Trade, Letter of Credit Woes Finally Go Mainstream

Credit Woes Finally Go Mainstream; letters; naked capitalism; trading.

Tue 2008-10-07 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Treasury Money Market Guarantee Finally Launched

naked capitalism; Treasury Money Market Guarantee Finally Launched.

Tue 2008-09-02 00:00 EDT

The Newer Deal: The Path to a Democratic Supermajority | The New America Foundation

The Newer Deal: The Path to a Democratic Supermajority, by Michael Lind (Salon, 2008-08-15) | The New America Foundation; ``Social conservatives, having lost the culture war, should be offered not only a truce but also an opportunity to join a broad economic campaign for a middle-class America, as many of them did between 1932 and 1968. When pro-choicers and pro-lifers unite in cheering the public investment and living wage planks at the convention of the neo-Roosevelt party, we will know that the political era that began in 1968 is truly and finally over.''

Democratic supermajority; New America Foundation; Newer Deal; path.

Mon 2008-06-30 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Senate Banking Committee Finally Sends Warning Shot Across Treasury's, Fed's, and SEC's Bows

Fed S; naked capitalism; SEC's Bows; Senate Banking Committee Finally Sends Warning Shot; Treasury's.

Mon 2008-06-02 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Bankruptcy Reform Act Finally Blows Sky High

"Debt Slave Act"

Bankruptcy Reform Act Finally Blows Sky High; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Fri 2008-05-30 00:00 EDT

Lost Opportunities Haunt Final Days of Bear Stearns - WSJ.com

Lost Opportunities Haunt Final Days of Bear Stearns, by Kate Kelly, WSJ.com

Bear Stearns; com; Lost Opportunities Haunt Final Days; WSJ.

Wed 2007-11-28 00:00 EST

Money Matters: The Banks And CDO Insurers Suffer Losses

by Elaine Meinel Supkis; Chinese forcing rising yen caused July dislocations; carry trade debunked; "money, like sex, is best done in the dark"; "England pretended to be moral and upright while looting the world, enslaving Africans, stealing gold,..., patting themselves on the back when they finally stopped committing one crime or another."

bank; CDO Insurers Suffer Losses; money matters.

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