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PIMCO Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

Pimco Holdings (1); PIMCO wants (1); Pimco's (4); Pimco's Bill Gross (1); Pimco's gold-coast socialism (1); Pimco's Gross Calls (1); Pimco's Paul McCulley (1); Pimco-style crony capitalism (1).

Minyanville Sat 2010-08-21 10:33 EDT

How Pimco Is Holding American Homeowners Hostage

...According to Bill Gross ...the American economy can be saved only through ``full nationalization'' of the mortgage finance system and a massive ``jubilee'' of debt forgiveness for millions of underwater homeowners...As overlord of the fixed-income finance market [Pacific Investment Management Co. (Pimco)] generates billions annually in effort-free profits from its trove of essentially riskless US Treasury securities and federally guaranteed housing paper. Now Pimco wants to swell Uncle Sam's supply of this no-brainer paper even further -- adding upward of $2 trillion per year of what would be ``government-issue'' mortgages...This final transformation of American taxpayers into indentured servants of HIDC (the Housing Investment & Debt Complex) has been underway for a long time, and is now unstoppable because all principled political opposition to Pimco-style crony capitalism has been extinguished...At the heart of the matter is the statist Big Lie trumpeting the alleged public welfare benefits of the home-ownership society and subsidized real estate finance...the congregates of the HIDC lobby -- homebuilders, mortgage bankers, real estate brokers, Wall Street securitizers, property appraisers and lawyers, landscapers and land speculators, home improvement retailers and the rest -- have gotten their fill at the Federal trough. But the most senseless gift -- the extra-fat risk-free spread on Freddie and Fannie paper -- went to the great enablers of the mortgage debt boom, that is, the mega-funds like Pimco...there isn't a shred of evidence that all of this largese serves any legitimate public purpose whatsoever, and plenty of evidence that the HIDC boom has been deeply destructive...there are upward of 15-20 million American households that can't afford their current mortgages or will be strongly disinclined to service them once housing prices take their next -- and unpreventable -- leg down. But Pimco's gold-coast socialism is exactly the wrong answer. Rather than having their mortgages modified or forgiven, these households should be foreclosed upon, and the sooner the better...

Holding American Homeowners Hostage; Minyanville; PIMCO.

Credit Writedowns Fri 2010-07-16 14:22 EDT

Paul McCulley does Modern Monetary Theory

PIMCO's Paul McCulley: ``the Financial Times' Martin Wolf...cited in a recent column the financial balances approach of the late Wynne Godley...Godley's analytical framework should be the workhorse of discussions of global rebalancing, in the context of a deficiency of global aggregate demand. So, it was wonderful to see Martin riding Godley's horse...'' Edward Harrison: McCulley makes my point that government deficits are not the cause of private sector surpluses but rather the reverse -- private sector debt distress is causing deleveraging and driving up net savings -- which causes greater government deficits.

credit writedowns; Modern Monetary Theory; Paul McCulley.

The Money Game Tue 2010-02-16 16:49 EST

Inflation Protected Bonds Murdered As PIMCO And BlackRock's Hyperinflation Fears Flounder

Investors are increasingly giving up on hyperinflation bets. For example, investors are willing to buy standard U.S. treasury bonds that pay just 3.69% yield. That doesn't leave room for much inflation...The niche market of Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS, bonds that adjust their yield to inflation) is giving up on its inflation concerns as well. As this market is too small for major central bank investment, it's far harder to argue away the lack of inflation it forecasts.

BlackRock's Hyperinflation Fears Flounder; Inflation Protected Bonds Murdered; Money game; PIMCO.

zero hedge Wed 2010-02-03 16:00 EST

Russia Urged China To Dump Its Fannie, Freddie Holdings Before GSE Bailout

This is how the cold war will look like in the post-Lehman era (when all the debt risk is held on the public balance sheet): one country urging another to sell a third's bonds. According to Hank Paulson's soon to be released memoir, Russia had urged China to sell its GSE holdings in August 2008 "in a bid to force a bailout of the largest U.S. mortgage-finance companies." China refused... That time. Of course, what has transpired since is that China, through the Fed custodial account, has rotated a vast majority of its GSE holdings into Treasuries, in essence doing just what Pimco's Bill Gross has been doing since the beginning of 2009: offloading hundreds of billions of Fannie and Freddie bonds straight to the Federal Reserve.

Dump; Fannie; Freddie Holdings; GSE bailout; Russia Urged China; Zero Hedge.

Wed 2009-05-20 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Geithner's Gift To Pimco

Geithner's Gift; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; PIMCO.

Wed 2009-04-01 00:00 EDT

Zero Hedge: PIMCO Holds Almost $120 Billion In MBS

86% invested in mortgage-backed securities

120; MBS; Pimco Holdings; Zero Hedge.

Tue 2009-02-24 00:00 EST

naked capitalism: Pimco's Gross Calls for US to Spend Trillions to Save the Economy

economy; naked capitalism; Pimco's Gross Calls; save; spending trillions.

Fri 2008-11-07 00:00 EST

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Keynesian Claptrap From PIMCO


Keynesian Claptrap; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; PIMCO.

Mon 2008-07-14 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Operation "Rescue Fannie" Underway - Paulson a Blatant Liar

"likely the start of a U.S. Taxpayer Bailout of China. Disgustingly it is a U.S. Taxpayer bailout of PIMCO as well." "It is a moral hazard to the highest degree, for bondholders to be made whole in this mess."

Blatant Liar; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; operations; Paulson; Rescuing Fannie; underway.

Tue 2007-08-28 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Extreme Measures I: Bill Gross at Pimco

proposed homeowner bailout dismissed

bill gross; Extreme measures; naked capitalism; PIMCO.