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Wed 2009-04-01 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: More on That Dirty Word "Nationalization" and Possible Approaches

Dirty Word; naked capitalism; nation; Possible Approach.

Wed 2009-04-01 00:00 EDT

Mike Whitney: Is Free Market Capitalism Possible Without Accountability?

Naked Capitalism blogger Yves Smith interviewed

accounted; Free Market Capitalism Possible; MIKE WHITNEY.

Wed 2009-02-11 00:00 EST

Jesse's Café Américain: Some Thoughts on the Debt Disaster in the US and UK and Possible Alternatives

Jesse's Café Américain: Some Thoughts on the Debt Disaster in the US and UK and Possible Alternatives

Debt Disaster; Jesse's Café Américain; possible alternative; thought; UK.

Fri 2009-01-16 00:00 EST

AlterNet: The Right Wing's Latest Argument Against Public Health Care -- We'd Like It Too Much

by Lindsay Beyerstein; Cato Institute, wherein Michael F. Cannon argues that blocking Obama's health plan is the key to GOP survival...once people start getting good health care from the government at a price they can afford, they want to keep re-electing the politicians who make that possible.''

AlterNet; public health care; Right Wing's Latest Argument.

Mon 2008-12-15 00:00 EST

London Banker: Fisher's Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions and a possible revision

``I have been both a central banker and a market regulator. I now find myself questioning whether my early career, largely devoted to liberalising and deregulating banking and financial markets, was misguided.''

Fisher s Debt Deflation Theory; Great Depression; London Banker; possibly revising.

Fri 2008-11-07 00:00 EST

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: ECB Cuts .50% BOE 1.5%; Trichet Eyes More Cuts

``The impact from these central bank actions will will be close to zero...It was Keynesian foolishness that caused the housing bubble in the first place. Keynesian foolishness cannot possibly be the solution."

5; 50; BOE 1; cutting; ECB cuts; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis; Trichet Eyes.

Wed 2008-10-22 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: Roubini Warns of Possible Systemic Meltdown, "Severe Global Depression"

naked capitalism; Possible Systemic Meltdown; Roubini warning; severe global depression.

Tue 2008-09-23 00:00 EDT

The Wall Street Examiner >> Dear Senator, Save Our Beloved Republic!

by Lee Adler; ``By assuming most of the bad debt from the financial system (if thats even possible), the government will be infecting itself with the disease it has been seeking to treat''

Beloved Republic; save; Senators; Wall Street Examiner.

Sun 2008-08-24 00:00 EDT

Here comes the downsizing of finance

by Martin Hutchinson (Prudent Bear); auction-rate securities (ARS); credit default swaps (CDS); ``CDS market creates many times as much risk as it hedges or transfers''; GSEs ``leveraged more than would have been possible without the governments quasi-guarantee, lobbied like to crazy to ensure they were not properly regulated and collapsed thankfully into the arms of the taxpayer as soon as ill winds began to blow...by their presence they turned the soundest product in financial markets, the home mortgage, into an obscene speculative casino, causing collateral damage of many times their own losses.'' ``much of the financial services innovation of the last generation was spurious and unsound, and needs to be done away with''

comes; downsizing; finance.

Mon 2008-08-04 00:00 EDT

London Banker: Fisher's Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions and a possible revision

download Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions (1933), by Irving Fisher

Fisher s Debt Deflation Theory; Great Depression; London Banker; possibly revising.

Mon 2008-08-04 00:00 EDT

Is the U.S. Banking System Safe? - Seeking Alpha

Is the U.S. Banking System Safe? by James Quinn - Seeking Alpha; "The U.S. banking system is essentially insolvent. The Treasury, Federal Reserve, FASB, and Congress are colluding to keep the American public in the dark for as long as possible...When you see a bank CEO or a top government official tell you that everything is alright, run for the hills. They are lying."

Seeking Alpha; U.S. Banking System Safe.

Thu 2008-07-24 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: James Bianco on Possible Role of SemGroup Bankruptcy in Oil Price Drop

James Bianco; naked capitalism; oil price drop; possible role; SemGroup Bankruptcy.

Tue 2008-06-17 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: So How Did Lehman Delever? A Not-Very-Pretty Possibility

pinning out two large businesses into independent entities; maintain a 45% economic interest while getting an off balance sheet treatment

Lehman Delever; naked capitalism; Pretty Possibility.

Fri 2008-04-18 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: A Possible Approach to the Mortgage Mess

(Richard Kline)

Mortgage Mess; naked capitalism; Possible Approach.

Sat 2008-04-12 00:00 EDT

Hillary's Flimsy Case : Rolling Stone

Hillary's Flimsy Case, by Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone; Obama "running as a symbol of a new politics...But if it were to get out that he's not that...then he quickly morphs into a different kind of symbol, a symbol of how an essentially bankrupt political system can seamlessly repackage itself to a fed-up marketplace by making cosmetic changes, without altering its basic nature." "In American politics, always look for the worst possible scenario to emerge triumphant"

Hillary's Flimsy Case; Rolling Stone.

Sat 2007-09-15 00:00 EDT

Hussman Funds - Weekly Market Comment: September 3, 2007 - The Problem With Financials

2007-09-03; "I don't believe it's possible or useful to make short-term market forecasts"; "problems for financials are just beginning"

2007; Financial; Hussman Funds; problem; September 3; weekly market comments.

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