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Time Topic in The Credit Debacle Catalog

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Tue 2008-09-23 00:00 EDT

naked capitalism: NY Times: Freddie Overstated Its Capital

capitalism; Freddie Overstated; naked capitalism; NY Times.

Sun 2008-08-24 00:00 EDT

Here comes the downsizing of finance

by Martin Hutchinson (Prudent Bear); auction-rate securities (ARS); credit default swaps (CDS); ``CDS market creates many times as much risk as it hedges or transfers''; GSEs ``leveraged more than would have been possible without the governments quasi-guarantee, lobbied like to crazy to ensure they were not properly regulated and collapsed thankfully into the arms of the taxpayer as soon as ill winds began to blow...by their presence they turned the soundest product in financial markets, the home mortgage, into an obscene speculative casino, causing collateral damage of many times their own losses.'' ``much of the financial services innovation of the last generation was spurious and unsound, and needs to be done away with''

comes; downsizing; finance.

Thu 2008-07-17 00:00 EDT

The Institutional Risk Analyst: Time for Hank Paulson to Do the Right Thing and Nationalize the GSEs

Time for Hank Paulson to Do the Right Thing and Nationalize the GSEs

GSEs; Hank Paulson; Institutional Risk Analyst; nation; right thing; Time.

Sat 2008-07-12 00:00 EDT

FT.com | Willem Buiter's Maverecon | Time for comrade Paulson to pull the plug on the Fannie and Freddie charade

FT.com | Willem Buiter's Maverecon | Time for comrade Paulson to pull the plug on the Fannie and Freddie charade

com; comrade Paulson; Fannie; Freddie charade; FT; plug; pull; Time; Willem Buiter's Maverecon.

Sat 2008-07-12 00:00 EDT

Accrued Interest: Maybe it's another drill

..."his is the first time in my career that I truly believe U.S. Treasury bonds sold off on credit concern."

Accrued Interest; drilling; Maybe.

Fri 2008-06-27 00:00 EDT

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Is The Inflation Scare Over Yet?

"Destruction of credit via massive writedowns..., accompanied by sharply rising unemployment rates, falling wages, and curtailment in credit lines everywhere is simply not an inflationary environment"; "ery likely new all time lows in the 10-year treasury yield and 30-year long bond are coming up"

Inflation Scare; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.

Mon 2008-06-23 00:00 EDT

Did Bank of America write the Dodd bailout bill? | L.A. Land | Los Angeles Times

Did Bank of America write the Dodd bailout bill? by Peter Viles | L.A. Land | Los Angeles Times

America write; bank; Dodd Bailout Bill; L. A. land; Los Angeles Times.

Wed 2008-06-11 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: What is Really Spooking Wall Street - Policy Change is in the Wind

Jesse's Café Américain: What is Really Spooking Wall Street - Policy Change is in the Wind; Joseph Stiglitz on rethinking growth; Jesse: we have ringside seats to history...times of change and crisis are times of volatility, fresh trends, and opportunity

Jesse's Café Américain; policy changes; Really Spooking Wall Street; wind.

Fri 2008-06-06 00:00 EDT

Jesse's Café Américain: To Restore Our Economy the Banks Must Be Restrained

Jesse's Café Américain: To Restore Our Economy the Banks Must Be Restrained; Bloomberg commentary by Mark Gilbert, "Time to Put Investment Banking Back in Its Box"

bank; economy; Jesse's Café Américain; restore; Restrain.

Tue 2008-05-20 00:00 EDT

Minyanville -

What the ETF? by Minyan Peter, Minyanville; "a broadened investor base, particularly inexperienced investors, and enhanced liquidity have been critical elements of every financial bubble in history"; "for the first time in financial history, the bubbles -- in securitized debt and commodities -- are truly global phenomena"


Tue 2008-05-13 00:00 EDT

FBI Targets Internet Archive With Secret 'National Security Letter', Loses | Threat Level from Wired.com

FBI Targets Internet Archive With Secret 'National Security Letter', Loses, by Ryan Singal | Threat Level from Wired.com; Internet Archive; Brewster Kahle; EFF defeats NSL; "time-honored tradition of librarians protecting the rights of their patrons"

com; FBI Targets Internet Archive; Lose; nation security letter; secret; Threat Level; Wired.

Wed 2008-04-16 00:00 EDT

Asia Times Online :: Asian news and current affairs

The rise of the new energy world order, by Michael T. Klare; "the price of oil will dominate our lives and power will reside in the hands of those who control its global distribution"

Asia Times Online; Asian news; current affairs.

Thu 2008-03-27 00:00 EDT

Ticker Classics: A Long Term Investment Timing Signal That Works

"buy the SPY...when the 20 week moving average crosses the 50 week moving average by more than 1%, and you go to cash (or treasuries) when the 20 week moving average crosses the 50 week moving average in the downward direct by more than 1%."

Long Term Investment Timing Signal; Ticker Classics; working.

Thu 2008-03-27 00:00 EDT

It's Time To Cut The Trade Deficit - Forbes.com

It's Time To Cut The Trade Deficit, by Peter Morici - Forbes.com; "Globalization is not an unalloyed good. We don't need 300-horsepower cars. And Wall Street is not a citadel of integrity."

com; cutting; Forbes; Time; Trade Deficit.

Wed 2008-03-26 00:00 EDT

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> Mad Max Check Out Time

Winter (Economic & Market) Watch >> Mad Max Check Out Time; "The lender of only resort to the shark in suits black box crony capitalists has caused quite a splash. It is clear to me that the Pig Men will line up around the block to get the kind of terms offered in the JPM-BSC Ponzi finance liquidation"

economic; mad Max Check; Market; Time; watch; winter.

Sun 2008-03-23 00:00 EDT

The Big Picture | Investing in a Post-Fact Society (a/k/a, Were the Good Times a Mirage?)

"Many of the stated economic gains have been a false ghost. Whether it was overstated job creation (NFP), understated inflation (CPI) or "inflated" growth (GDP), a shocking amount of the debate about the economic expansion has been primarily spin."

Big Picture; good times; investment; K; Mirage; Post-Fact Society.

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